Crystal: A Sequel to "Winter Song"

Dec 01, 2009 18:17

Author's Note: You hear that little boom of joy? That was me, echoing my triumph of slamming that bitch called writer's block into the dirt! Of course, she's a really sore loser, so I'm probably going to pay for this in spades next year, but you know what? Oh, freaking well. I might have been too late for NaNoWriMo, but I'm not too late to post the first chapter of this before 2010, you know what I mean?

So, I'm going to give a brief set-up here, but if you follow the link there's an introduction for the story as well as all the rest of the more pertinent information later on. In the vein of celebrating that this is December -- Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year, after all -- I waited until today to post this, but you should start expecting to see Crystal updates on Mondays.

And a real brief shout-out: As most of you have already heard, Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku's excellent drama Dollhouse has been cancelled, but Fox is actually being quite gracious about the whole thing (compared to Firefly, at any rate) and are letting them finish airing the second season; also, Whedon and Co. were informed in time for them to come up with a true series finale that will give us all closure. This month, December, the first three Fridays are Fox's way of burning through the episodes quickly, so tune in because we get two hours of the show for three solid weeks! From all reports of the upcoming episodes, they're going to be mindblowing.

Moving on:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series -- Or, the human!AU that I established in Winter Song presents:

Crystal: A Sequel to "Winter Song"

Story Notes: This is a sequel to my fic "Winter Song," a Xander/Angel story that I started a little more than a year back. This story picks up about two years after the end of Winter Song, and features literally all (to some degree) of the characters from that story. Also, this is, again, essentially a songfic, so there's going to be a playlist posted at the end of the story. I'll be shocked if this goes beyond twenty chapters, but then I thought that with Winter Song and now it's closer to forty, so what do I know?

This is rated M because there will be sex scenes in this one, later on: hetero (Buffy/Riley, Spike/Faith, etc), homo (Xander/Angel, of course, and Willow/Tara) and there will also be language, too, but that should be about it.

Bearing all of this in mind, here's the link to the rest of the information and also the prologue:

Crystal: A Sequel to "Winter Song"

Introduction/Prologue: I Won't

By Pfenix-Goddess (a.k.a. PyroPadawan)

Happy trails, peeps, and sorry for making you wait this long!

winter song, angel, buffy the vampire slayer, crystal, xander/angel

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