A Good Day's Journey Into a Sucktastic Night

Oct 03, 2009 15:02

But, shiny new icon which I actually kind of love. There's another "Dollhouse" pic which I put as my desktop background which is actually kind of sexy -- it's Echo in some imprint as a sexy girl applying makeup as she stares into a broken mirror. There are bullet holes in the mirror and in the background behind her there's all kinds of dead and bloody bodies that she apparently put there earlier as she blithely smacks her lipstick. I'm fairly certain it's from next week's episode "Belle Chose," but if you don't follow "Dollhouse" I won't bore you with the details (although it looks like it's going to kick ass).

So, yesterday, in case the title didn't catch your attention, was not the best day of my life. It was quite long and had more twists and turns than a damn Dan Brown novel, shifting from good to bad to good to really bad for pretty much the whole day. I'm running on eight hours of sleep in total between the last two nights, so here goes.

Starting with the good stuff, I woke up happy because Fridays I hang out with my really good friend (sadly, that's going to end soon, but more on that later). I headed out early and everything and went to get my haircut (which I really need). The only cheap haircut place in town was still more expensive than what I had on me (it was a really lean pay period). So, depressing. I went on to meet up with my friend and we actually had a very enjoyable few hours just hanging out and eating lunch. He was in one of his more moody days, so it wasn't really quite as much fun as it should have been, but still.

After I went to work yesterday afternoon, I entered into a sort of grace period. We were actually busy at work for once (we really haven't hit our autumn pickup yet, which really sucks, let me tell you) and everyone was in a good mood. There were extremely funny jokes to be had, and I got home in time to call my parents up and laugh. Good dinner, and then "Dollhouse" was on. I'll wax on this for just a minute -- "Dollhouse" was absolutely friggin' amazing last night. The episode was called "Instinct," and it did everything that a "Dollhouse" episode was supposed to do: be exciting while also making you think about the subject matter.

Echo had been imprinted as a mother, and what was really freaky was that Topher the tech guy actually screwed with her on a neurological level to make her so biologically "mother" that she actually lactated and breast-fed her child. The mother-child bond was so strong that when the client tried to backtrack and threatened to give the baby up for adoption, Echo/"Emily" went on the run to the police. The client and Echo's handler made it look like she'd kidnapped the child so that they could get her back to the Dollhouse. Eliza Dushku gave what was quite possibly the best acting job of this show last episode; when her child was being taken from her and she absolutely lost it trying to get the child back, my entire heart wrenched.

So, anyway, back to the story. Really good episode of "Dollhouse," so that was all good. Now, me and a group of friends were all supposed to hang at the only gay bar that we have in town. I used this as an opportunity to invite out the guy that I posted about last time. I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask him out by himself, so...Well, anyway, almost everyone cancelled on us at the last minute so it really just ended up being me, my good friend from above, the Guy, and our friend Margaret (yes, I make up names on the internet. Shoot me for being safe). The club sucked tonight because they had a mini-show and it's just not fun if there aren't a lot of people and they aren't dancing.

So we all ended up walking all over downtown, and it was becoming increasingly clear that the Guy was either just not interested or at least he was playing really frustrating games where there was flirting and then there wasn't and it was just confusing. I hate guys sometimes, because most of them are completely incabable of telling you what they want. Yes, I'm aware I'm being gender-based hypocritical right now, but bear with me. So, yeah, I was having a really frustrating night that was quickly going from bad to worse, and so we just decided to get home. We bummed a ride home off the Guy, so, naturally, his tire blew. Ironically enough, his tire blew right in front of the Firestone building.

After we got the really low-air spare on, we managed to get home and my good friend decided that he'd rather walk home than get a ride home from the Guy (because he knew how frustrated I was and he's a really good friend like that). So I walked him halfway home at four in the morning because I wanted to make sure he a) didn't mix up directions again, and b) got there safe. So naturally we were stopped by the police at four in the morning because we were wearing dark clothes and walking that late at night and apparently looked sketchy. The cops were complete assholes about the whole thing, of course, and cussed a blue streak about how stupid we were.

Don't get me wrong; I appreciate police and I'm glad that they do their job, but I do think that it's possible to be a police officer and not use that as an excuse to be a dick to people. I understand that most people doing what we were doing are generally up to no good, but seriously, stop cussing at me. So, after Officers Dickhead and Fuckmeat drove away, me and my friend shot over to 7-11 to get some coffee because we were both having a bad night (and it was really frickin' cold outside), and then I had to walk back home, and then get woken up by my alarm a scant four or five hours later. My body is screaming at me that I'm an asshole.

I think half of my bitterness about last night stems from the fact that I seriously need a boyfriend and I was so hoping that the Guy was interested that it just pissed me off more than it should have. Sigh. I'm trying to do good things today and clean my room so I can get rid of some of the bad juju energy that's all around my frustration right now, but it just ain't workin' that well today, folks. I just want my alarm to go off again so I can start getting ready for work again because I just want to get out of my house right now.

On a really geeky side note, however, FOX created a "Virtual Echo" app to download for your desktop, which I did, because I'm a serious geek like that. It's cool; she has eleven different imprints that you can choose from and then pick and choose when she comes out to visit you. Also, this sweet little blue box with all sorts of different "Dollhouse" information and downloads and interviews and links pops up when I start my computer. I'm really hoping we get a third season out of "Dollhouse" at the very least because I'm having far too much geeker fun with this.

I'm actually taking a break from my other fics to write this really short, like, five or six chapter "Dollhouse" fanfic that I'll post soon. That, coupled with schoolwork (did I mention how much I hate all of my classes except for Psych this semester?), is why I haven't written anything else for a little bit. Sorry about the delay. By the way, I do have a little pimping thing to do: there's an unofficial "Dollhouse" season one soundtrack circulating the web, and it's absolutely amazing save for one or two songs. You can find it as a RapidShare rar or zip file all over the internet, so I'll list the tracklist below. I'd advise looking it up, because it's great!

Dollhouse: Season One (Original Television Soundtrack) [Unofficial]
  1. What You Don't Know [Main Theme] - Jonatha Brooke
  2. Memory Box - Alessi's Ark
  3. Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime - Beck
  4. Everything a Reason - Carina Round
  5. Heartbroken, In Disrepair - Dan Auerbach
  6. Sweet Dream - Greg Laswell
  7. Superstar - Kimberly Cole
  8. Just Dance - Lady Gaga
  9. Lonely Ghosts - O+S
  10. Boys Wanna Be Her - The Peaches
  11. Portions for Foxes - Rilo Kiley
  12. I Go to Sleep - Sia
  13. Into the Fold - The Duke Spirit
  14. Get Out - The Vines
  15. My Baby Loves Lovin' - The White Stripes
Alright, well, that was my pimping in for the night. Frankly, I'm just sick of this week and I want it to be over. So, now that I'm done rambling, I'll sign off, but seriously, download that soundtrack. There are songs off there for literally every mood. Many of which I'm having right now. Sigh. ;)

dollhouse, school, life, friends

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