Introspective: The Last Night of Summer Vacation

Aug 23, 2009 21:40

It's insane how fast time flies, isn't it? It seems like just yesterday (or at least last week) that I was graduating from one school, and now I'm off to start another one, which I'll be in for at least two years. It's almost scary how short a time that really is, when you think about it. But don't think that I'm going to get all melancholy or anything -- no, really, I'm just thoughtful tonight. I've had a really good day today, so that probably has something to do with my lack of a bad mood.

I rose with the sun this morning, which is a really basic Wiccan ritual that I've been neglecting lately, and I was surprised at how quickly I snapped back into it. I took a really long walk to soak in the last of the quiet Sunday morning, listening to some good tunes (and singing, albeit quietly to myself and hoping that no one on the road who saw me thought I was crazy). I made myself a picnic lunch with some fairly healthy yummies (did I mention I've lost about twenty to thirty pounds this summer?). Then I put on some really chilled out music and just dozed under the sun, feeling the earth move beneath me.

Talk about relaxing!

Work tonight was actually busy, which is a bit of a blessing. I was there for five hours when I thought I'd only be there for two, so that's $21 extra dollars on my paycheck I wasn't going to have before. I walked home just as the crescent moon was rising, and right now I'm feeling pretty positive about life in general. I figure, I can't look at tomorrow so much as an ending but as a beginning, of so many potentials that it's dizzying to think about. (Who knows, I might actually date for the first time ever (yes, I hear you laughing at my virginity -- I don't care)).

Come September, I'm going to take a trip for my birthday to spend a three day weekend on the beach while it's still warm enough to swim but still cool enough to drive away the huge crowds, which I'm really looking forward to. Hmm. Other than that, not much has really been happening, which in a way is peaceful and happy (are you catching my good mood?). In any case, I've got some more of the next chapter of the Passion of Angels and Demons written, and I'm working on Winter Song as well as some additional original fiction that I'm planning out.

Let's just leave this post at: Life is good, in general, even when it seems that it's bad, and be thankful for the short time that we're allotted on this Earth -- and whatever lies beyond. Peace and love.

the passion of angels and demons, school, life, winter song

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