Eye of Eleos Chapter 81/?

Aug 01, 2022 23:52

source: imgur.com

source: imgur.com

Spike shouldn’t look so appealing wrapped in chains, straining in anger. Ghost Buffy shook her head, “I always did notice but would’ve died before admitting it.” Buffy had spent more than a bit of time thinking about how capable she had been to be so deep in denial about many things. ‘Buffy the obvious slayer,’ she snorted.

It was strange to realize that in that real world of only days before, she had not thought it wrong to treat Spike like an enemy. Even though they had a truce when it had mattered the most, preventing an apocalypse, and she had known to trust his word at the time. There he was, incapacitated and not trusted. Maybe it was the clear distrust of all those around her that made her set aside her instinctive realization that he was a bad liar and had a sense of honor. Still no matter the reason, they were all supposed to be the ‘good guys’, especially her, being the central enforcer of good as the Slayer, the Chosen One. They all had souls too and used that as a measure of goodness at the time. ‘Sheeya! Like a soul stops humans from all kinds of evil.’

Buffy was pleased to realize she had matured during this strange journey. No more binary thinking or closing her eyes to what was right in front of her. No more listening to others spout off their beliefs and theories and giving them more weight than her own knowledge or observations. Yup, once back in the real world there was going to be a new sheriff in town, one with the confidence she once had before she gave away her agency to others.

She frowned as she watched Giles reveling in manhandling Spike into the chains in the cramped tub. “He has a pretty dark streak of his own there!” Buffy had already noted the things that Giles had in common with William but it was obvious that he had an inner “Spike” of his own. “That must be some of that Ripper stuff he glossed over years ago.”

Maybe that was why he resented Spike so much, it was like a mirror in many ways. Of course Giles only saw the darker parts, Spike’s armor of snark and violence. He would be even more shaken had he known the Spike she now knew, not to mention the William that Giles would have likely been glad to count as a friend.

She watched as Xander bullied Spike verbally and physically. “Plenty of darkness there too. We all laugh it off with Xan though. Not really funny.” She thought about how there were times her good friend had been rather dismissive and borderline cruel even to his girlfriend Anya. ‘He keeps being attracted to demons or ex-demons then making sure they know how much he hates all things demon.’ Her friend was headed down a really dark path if he kept that up. She wasn’t sure how much she could do to change her friend, encourage his better angels, but as his friend she was going to try.

She had to admit she’d bullied Spike too after he’d come to them for help. Enjoyed having all the power over the vampire who had been her greatest danger from the undead crowd. She’s lorded her power over him as much as her Watcher and her friend had done. Made fun of him, made sure Spike was made to feel as powerless as possible.

She thought back to when she had her own powers stolen the previous year and how scary it was to try to figure out just who she was without them. Instead of understanding how Spike must have felt, how it took a lot of courage to come for help and expose his new weakness, she had indulged in petty jibes and cruelties. He had been at their mercy in every single way and received little actual mercy. Even blood had been given only when they felt like it and in amounts and a variety of THEIR choosing. If he had done the same to any of them, they would have called it evil.

Buffy was ashamed not only for her behavior but her friend and mentor as well. “Giles doesn’t even have the excuse of being young and immature or not knowing there’s more than black and white in the supernatural world either.”  Yeah, there was going to be more than a few changes once they got back in the world again. “Can’t wait to saddle up,” she grinned then grimaced as she watched Giles roughly shove Spike into the hated bathroom.


source: imgur.com

“That’s the ticket,” GhostSpike smirked in glee, “give the old Wanker a proper set down. Comin’ into your town all secretive, makin’ your whole team keep quiet so he can come off like a cheap Harlequin hero savin’ the damsel who could break him in two without breakin’ a sweat. Underminin’ your position as Slayer. Implyin’ you’re too soft & fragile to be able to even bear a quick look at him & his massive forehead without a swoon.”

He couldn’t wait for Buffy’s righteous indignation to kick in as she gave Angel a dressing down for his Thanksgiving stunt. Her ex had gone behind her back supposedly to save her yet had done little to nothing, as usual, when push came to shove. “Buffy took care of that Indian bloke while bakin’ pies! What kind of vision made Peaches think she needed him to save her?”

He listened to Angel try to paint himself as the self-sacrificing hero. “Nice that soul didn’t damage your ego one bit, gramps,” he sneered. “Whole world revolves around the Great Angelus with OR without a soul it seems.”

While Spike was enjoying watching Buffy in all her self-righteous glory, he’d missed the crashing entrance of the large Samurai wanna-be demon and the enticing battle the likes of which Spike missed more than fresh blood from the tap. He smirked watching Angel’s rather ham handed “style” of fighting, relying on his bulk and reach instead of skilled combat.

The former lovers were bickering while fighting and chasing the demon and Spike bit back his

disgust. ‘No wonder Buffy was so confused about her feelings about love. Got it all mixed up with pain and angst. Whole bloody Romeo and Juliet shite. Missed the point that the story is a soddin’ tragedy, not a romance. Right there in the original title, ’The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet’ innit?’

The demon made a getaway as the pair were lamenting the endless misery of their own personal tragic love. Finally they split off looking for the demon warrior.  Spike had to admit his jealousy was at the core of his enjoying their romantic setting being a sewer. ‘Least for us it’s alley’s most of the time. Better smell at least.’

Spike’s ghostly form followed Buffy as she tried to track the beastie. He was glad he didn’t have

To watch more of the doomed pair lamenting their loss at least.

He was as shocked as Buffy when the big lug caught up to them in broad daylight on the beach. For a minute Spike wondered if his grandsire had kept the Gem in some form after all. Made no sense that he was standing in broad daylight with a constipated grin on his face.


Spike had to remind himself that HIS Buffy was no longer this girl from only a few weeks past in the ‘real world’. No running into the Great Poof’s overdeveloped arms like he was the bloody second coming.  ‘Owe gratitude for this spell if only for ridding Buffy of the delusions of adequacy she saw in Angelus.’

The reunion was right out of a teen romance, all it lacked was Angel sparkling like he’d rolled about in glitter.

Once Spike got past the jealousy and started to actually think about what he was seeing his brow creased in a frown as his thought took a dark turn. “What the actual fuck is goin’ on? I’d think Buffy would have brought her honey-bear home with her to start buildin’ that house with a white picket fence. Don’t recall her sayin’ a thing ‘bout Angel going over all human.“ Was all of this he’d been experiencing, seeing Buffy’s life, winning her regard, then love, been a fantasy?

If none of what Spike had been experiencing since they had wrestled over the icon had been a real look into Buffy’s life… did Buffy still hate him?  He shivered in fear and choked back the tears he could feel forming. “There has to be an explanation.”

Everything around him suddenly went rather foggy and the snog fest mixed with gluttonous food tasting he’d been watching faded into the haze. He felt as disoriented as he had back when there were frequent shifts in time during this odyssey.

He heard her before he saw her. “Halfling, I usually do not step in to explain but this lower-being and his manipulations could interfere with the purpose of this benediction and I cannot permit that.”

Spike was gobsmacked at the vision before him. The woman was lovely in an ethereal way no human or demon could pull off. She radiated power just in her very being and he fought the urge to fling himself at her feet worshipfully. She was garbed in a Greecian style white gown of such purity it glowed. Her lovely dark tresses kissed her toned upper arms and moved by an unseen breeze . Her slightly pouty lips were full and gentle. So taken with the vision was Spike that he missed the other changes around him.

“And you would be?” he gasped out softly not in a demanding manner but genuine inquiry.

“I have been called by many names depending on the culture and language. I have been worshiped by many titles, petitioned for many boons. I believe the witch who summoned me called on my personae as Eleos, the Benevolent Bringer of Empathy as that was the boon she sought.”

Spike gulped. Not every day a bloke found himself in the company of a literal Goddess after all.

The deity in question was gazing at Spike piercingly. Looking into his eyes as if reading his non-existent soul. Finally she smiled gently and nodded. “Yes. You have done well. You have learned important lessons, developed the control you had set aside but need for embracing the empathy desired.” She began to laugh, it tinkled like diamonds hitting glass, sharp and hard yet not. “My! You have far exceeded what was intended. You’ve gone well beyond empathy and embraced love itself.” She seemed surprised yet pleased at the development.

Spike scuffed his boot in embarrassment, “Always was a bit of an overachiever.” His admission was spoken at a near whisper. “‘Spect the seeds were already there though.”

“I suspect you are correct,” she concurred. “The same is true with your companion in this lesson.”

Spike looked up sharply, “So… it’s real then?”

“Very much so.”

“But how.. I mean the Pon… er… Angel’s still a vamp in the real world, least I think he is.” He could make no sense of it at all. “You say you don’t usually do show and tell, there a reason for this honor?” Spike was quite sincere and it showed. He could be a bit of an idiot from time to time but would have to be a full blown clodpate if he would play it glib with a Goddess. He wanted to survive this spell in the end after all.

Eleos closed her eyes in contemplation then gave a bit of a resigned sigh. “It should not have been permitted. The Oracles took much upon themselves. What was done fulfilled the prophecy and should not have been undone.”

Spike looked befuddled not to mention a bit woozy if only from being in such company.

The Goddess graciously took pity and motioned to a marble bench as the scene around them took form. Spike gazed in amazement at a scene he’d yearned to view in his human days when dreams of the Grand Tour still lived in his breast. The temples were in a bit of a ruinous state as they likely were in his own world. Still he gratefully sank onto the bench as directed.

She looked a trifle sad. “Such disrepair. It saddens me. Yet in demon dimensions my temple thrives. The old ones are replaced with the new, such is the way off things it would seem. In your world I am largely forgotten except as being collectively acknowledged as one of The Powers” She shook her head and gave a very deep sigh. “You do see what happens with a committee! No clearly designated duties, conflicting agendas. Often chaos occurs. Favorites are pitted one against another in endless games. But that is a matter for another day.” She smiled at her captive audience. It was nice to have the full attention of a human for the first time in a long while.

Her gaze was as otherworldly as her very existence and Spike felt laid bare before her, stripped of his defenses and masks.No amount of leather or snark could hide his true self from this being. He didn’t even desire to try.

“I will reveal what is necessary for you to understand and to learn what you must from this stop on your journey. Always with knowledge comes power. Had you not already loved, I would not give this power to you. I have confidence that you will choose how and when to wield it.”

There was a time when such an offer of power would have made the demon in him dance a jig but he felt no such joyous anticipation now, instead he felt a great deal of responsibility. He had the feeling that what he was to learn could hurt Buffy greatly and he was loath to give her any pain.

Eleos nodded as if following his thoughts. “Yes, that is why I choose to give it to you. You please me Halfling.”

Spike had to ask, “Why do you call me that?”

“Are you not of two-natures? Demon resides with man in equal shares within you yet you are not divided.”

“Not thought much about it but suppose that’s true enough.”

“Your demonic relative, the one styling himself as Angel, could also be balanced yet chooses to war within himself to his detriment. He is a lower being by his own choice when he, too, could have risen to be more. It is his failings and insecurities that things are so … convoluted in this part of your Buffy’s journey. There are two realities where there should be but one. He gave back that which he claims to desire.”

Spike was even more confused.

“He was adrift and had no purpose. Other Powers saw he needed inducement to at least try to be his better self. First he was shown your Slayer and as you know it began his slight steps into actively doing things on the side of good, however meager and tentative. When his path took him from her side he was once again lost and bitter. It was thought he would slide once more

into inaction or worse. He was shown a prophecy and it relit his zeal. Once more he had a goal, a prize or so he told himself. Yet when he received it, he didn’t recognize it, shunned it. The form did not match his expectation.”

“Yeah, that’s Angelus alright.” Spike grinned. “Everything has to be the way he sees it or it’s not right.” He had a sudden thought, “So you sayin’ he thinks he’s gonna be a real boy as some kind of Cracker Jack prize?”

Eleos laughed lightly. “That is one way to phrase it. I don’t quite understand why he feels he is entitled to a reward just for enduring his punishment but I try not to deal with that being. He is far too … difficult for my sensibilities. He can frustrate,  even though he has many backers among the other Powers.”

“Yeah, he’s like that.”

“He should have taken the promised humanity and lived a good, decent, life with his sins forgiven. A fresh start as was promised. He did not enjoy the loss of power, however. He claimed it was because Your Slayer would need his enhanced abilities even though he had no intention of returning to her side to use them. The Oracles were taken in with his reasoning as they saw the many dangers she will face and assumed Angel was sincere.”

Spike had a bad feeling about where this might be going. He knew how Angel loved to control everything. It wouldn’t surprise him if he found a way to control the bloody Powers along the way.

“All that occurred was undone including his reward that he did not even recognize.”

“So you’re saying that what I’m seein’ DID happen but didn’t?”

Eleos nodded. You will see what truly took place. I have decided you should do so. You will also see why it is not even a memory to any other being save those in my realm and the arrogant lower-being who dared to undo reality.

“Suppose I should keep what I see to myself?” Spike wished he knew the right answer to that. Part of him felt Buffy deserved the truth. Another part realized that some of that desire came from wanting to further blacken Angel’s image with her. “If I tell her, I want it to be for a good reason. Not sure there is one.”

Eleos beamed her impressed smile in his direction. “I was right! You can be trusted with this knowledge. She should know but it should be told properly and at the proper time. I believe your love will help you to know when that should occur.”

The deity rose and extended her hand to Spike. “Come, Halfling. Let us see what actually happened shall we?”

The Goddess looked around at what was left of the once glorious temple in sadness and mused as if to herself.  “Once there were temples and festivals. We were worshiped. Now there are ruins and myths. Such is the way of higher beings. Yet we remain. Hubris was ever our downfall. We forget there is but ONE source, we are merely the first of creation, called angels or demons by some, called old gods by others… many pantheons, many names. We stand and watch. We were the first. Then came the Old Ones and much later, man. Universes of diversity and still we remain, we interact,  most of us.  We have our favorites. We’ve warred but in time there was balance. What you call The Powers are those dedicated to keeping that balance through all dimensions, among all beings. Perfection was lost, but balance can still be had.” She smiled again at Spike, “And sometimes we select new favorites.”


“Plonker is gonna weigh a ton the way he’s shovelin’ food down his gullet,” Spike shook his head. He’d never understood why Angel hadn’t indulged in human food like he did. Sure he could see avoiding the more bland things but there were so many great cuisines to savor and enjoy and Angel was as skint with that as everything else. “Repressive bastard. Wouldda made his Da proud to see it.”

It was kind of funny in a way. Vampires were rather known for being hedonists, indulging their desires willy-nilly but it took becoming human again for old Liam to succumb. “Only thing he ever truly indulged in as a vampire without the soul is cruelty, his so-called art.” Well, he thought again, he HAD indulged in sex too but often combined with that his trademark, cruelty. This new not-really-improved version of the Berk was all about the pleasure.

Spike wasn’t that thrilled having to avoid watching the part of that pleasure begin multiple rounds with Buffy in his bed but the sounds alone made it clear that he was as gung-ho with that as the peanut-butter and ice-cream revelations.

Spike watched as Angel left Buffy sleeping alone in his bed as he went to chat up the Mick working for him. Poor Buffy seemed doomed to wake up alone every time she went to sleep in the arms of Angel?

He listened in as the seer told about the dangers of the Mohra demon having regenerated as well. Spike rolled his eyes as the now human Angel decided to let the sleeping girl lie while he sauntered off to slay the beastie. “Wanker. Not that great a fighter against it when you had the demon power, what’s your plan now? You’re as useful as Buffy’s floppy haired friend back home now.”

Naturally Buffy had to rush out to save the idiot. Spike knew she would when he listened to her question the Cheerleader about where her sweetie-pie had gone off to leavin’ Buffy to cold sheets and bad memories.

“Typical narcissist, gramps. Hero complex mixed with the victim syndrome. Play ‘em both to be the center of attention, whichever’s needed at the time.”

He watched as Angel went from playing the intended hero to letting Buffy rescue him and tend to his boo-boos with a roiling stomach. Even knowing things would be different now it annoyed him. Reminded him of how often Angel had played his girl this way from the start. “Never good enough to just be her equal, her partner. Never one to have her back ‘cause that would mean the spotlight’d be off you innit?”

Yeah, Spike could imagine both saving and being saved by Buffy and vice/versa but only as her partner. Buffy was the hero, ALWAYS the hero. He was just the fella who was going to make sure she survived her heroics.


Buffy and Angel froze as Buffy was tenderly checking Angel for injuries.

Suddenly the salt factory disappeared and Eleos was once more before him. “Come, Halfling, you will see what this one does next.”

The scene shifted and Spike saw two astonishing looking people with gold skin and blue markings, both with clear superiority complexes facing his grand-sire.

“Hey, that was the vase I gave to Dru!” Spike felt indignation seeing Angel give Dru’s property as tribute to the Oracles. “Got the dynasty right but that goes back to the late 1600s not the bloody 1800s you ill-educated lout!”

He listened in horror as the Oracle let Angel know that Buffy was slated for death fairly soon, implied Angel would help prevent it. “Not gonna be Angel, gonna be me. Angel’s never there when she needs him anyway.”

He watched as Angel glomped onto that bit of information as a heroic excuse to ‘give up’ his great prize of mortality. “Yeah, ‘cause you were only there to give Dru’s pretties away. Were there to get your demon back and we both know it! Didn’t like bein’ weak. Had nothing to do with protectin’ Buffy but bet that’s how you’ll tell it.”

Spike refused to admit he would have felt the same way but then he’d never claimed a desire to be human again either. ‘Wouldda respected ya’ more if you copped to the truth old man. Just said you hated losin’ all that power to be just another regular Joe.’

Angel was going on about needing to be a vampire again so he could protect Buffy. “Like you ever managed it before,” Spike sneered. “Didn’t come back with her either. If you think she’s in danger pretty soon, I’d think you’d be movin’ back to that hulking mansion of yours and keepin’ watch. Seem to recall you’re still swanning about in LA playin’ fanged Batman.”

Spike blinked as it hit him. How there were two versions of one day.

Eleos glanced at Spike. “Yes, his hamartia will lead to tragedy for more than just himself. All who ally with him will suffer. He has MANY flaws, more than one fatal for that matter but his hubris, his inability to see anything other than what he already believes, to listen to any counsel… that will be his undoing. The young seer will be the first to fall but not the last.”  She gave Spike a piercing glare, “See that you are not among the last. Remember his nature and your true place when and if the time comes.”

Spike wasn’t too sure what the Goddess meant but was more than happy to nod in agreement. Last thing he wanted was to be caught up in the wake of one of Angel’s grand dramas.

Suddenly they were back with Buffy and Angel again only back at his office. He watched as Angel briefly explained his actions, HIS decision, to the heartbroken Slayer. Watched as Buffy’s heart was ripped from her chest for Angel’s gratification.

“So … gonna take all her memories of this. No need for her to have even been told what she’s losing you sadistic fuck. Only thing tellin’ her at this point does is for you to have the memory of how much pain she’s in losin’ all you had. Gonna relive that memory, taste the salt of her tears and wank off to it. Another artistic triumph!” He was disgusted. There was no legitimate reason for Angel to even tell Buffy since it was a done deal. All that did was cause her a full minute of deep pain.

Spike wasn’t sure now if Buffy SHOULD be told or not. Yes, one one hand she had the right to know what had happened. How Angel had made a unilateral decision without even asking her for input and had thrown away the very thing he demanded she seek… a life with a “normal” man at her side. He would have to give it some deeper thought AND make certain his motives were unselfish. He was fairly sure the pain of learning the truth wouldn’t rival the pain he witnessed Angel administer but it still would sting. Eleos was right, knowledge was power and the last thing Spike would ever want was to use his power, any of it, to hurt Buffy in any way, shape, or form.

“Yes,” the Goddess smiled. “I was certain you could be trusted with this truth. We Powers are not without our own ability to make mistakes but your ability to love is strong. I know that if you choose to give this information to your Slayer, you will do it with mercy and in compassion. I am well pleased.”

“Thought you Powers-that-are-all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips were immune to flaws.” Spike quirked a brow. He’d listened in Sunday School after all.

“We Powers are not without flaws. Some like humans, some do not. Some let their biases override wisdom. We ARE Powers, but not THE Power after all. Look at how much bias lay in the error in sending Whistler to Angel in the belief that curse and the soul in him would make him the right Champion for the Slayer?”

“True, not what I’d call all-knowin’. Certain sure didn’t know that Berk with OR without a soul.”

“Take the Oracles. They are a conduit to the Powers but their main focus is as keepers of time. That is how they were able to unravel that day. They were intended to use their knowledge of time to answer questions, guide the warriors of the light.”

“Why doesn’t Buffy know ‘bout ‘em then?”

“Ah, there is more than one warrior. She is THE Chosen, One chosen to stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is given direct messages in the form of dreams and some rituals known to her Watcher. She should have no need to question the Oracles.” She silently looked Spike over with that soul-knowing look again. “There are many warriors of light, however. Some have seers like the one given to Angel. Some seek out those who have the power to answer, to guide.  Demon hunters, those who stand ready to protect the innocent. Such resources are for them. You now qualify as a warrior of the light, Halfling.”

Spike scoffed. “Hardly think I’ve done anything to make anyone think that.”

“Perhaps not but did you not ally yourself willingly with the Slayer to prevent an apocalypse?”

“Well, yeah. Didn’t want the world endin’, wanted to save Dru too.”

The Goddess nodded. “Yes, complex motivations, many selfish yet still putting you on the side of good versus evil. You have made other choices through the years that show your potential. It is my belief that now that your heart belongs with the Chosen One you will fulfill that potential. I would be delighted to be your patroness in this endeavor, William.”

He was gobsmacked and felt uncomfortably unworthy.

“Oh, don’t worry. It isn’t likely you and I will see one another again nor will you begin to hear a chorus of your own pixies like your previous love. But I will keep watch and send you dreams of your own if needed.” Eleos nodded as it to herself, “Yes, I believe that might well be necessary from time to time.”

If Spike could have blushed, he would have. ‘Imagine, havin’ a Goddess give a rats arse about a bloke like me!’  He thanked her humbly. “Say, if you’re gonna give me a nudge from time to time on account of my helpin’ my Buffy, does that mean Rupes gets dreams too?”

Eleos frowned. “Sadly, no. While Buffy’s Watcher is a step above the norm, the Council was barred from such supernatural aid once they stopped backing up the Slayer and began to see themselves as the real power. The Chosen was merely a weapon for their use in their arrogance. A girl to control, to let die or even kill when uncontrollable. Then that line of communication was ended. We assigned Guardians to watch over them and when the time comes the Guardians will interact with the Slayer directly when needed.”

“Never heard of them,” he frowned.

“They will be revealed at the proper time. In the meantime, you will serve us well, William. You will be the warrior the Powers had hoped for to assist the Slayer. You will help to reshape the world along with your Buffy.”

“What should I do?”

“Follow your heart, William, it will see you through. Let love guide you. It is your nature after all.”

As the Goddess faded from view, Spike felt the pull as Buffy raced back to Sunnydale, clear of  any memory of all that had actually happened.

“My heart always leads to you, Love.”

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