My car is gone.

Dec 15, 2009 22:19

Saturday night I had a serious car crash. Me and my colleague are safe and sound, but my car is scrap metal. :/

Daniel and I spent the day in Saarbrücken. On our way home we went through Luxemburg, on the national road, with some 70 km/h. At a combined cross-road / drive-up, another car just hit us from the right, although it had to wait. The driver must have been pretty blind. :/

In an instant we turned a 180°, marginally missed a lamp-post, got off the road and were instantly stopped by this tree. It all happened so fast, I can only remember that we were suddenly moving backwards, then we felt the impact and heard the rear window burst.

See the black wire encircled in red? That's the battery charger of my GPS device. Prior to the crash it lay in front of my friend on the storage compartment... :/

After the crash, I also found the car radio on the back seat... O_o The force must have been enormous. Good that nothing hit our heads.

On the right side behind the door you can see where the other car hit us.

The police was there as well and the other guy had to pay 50 Euros instantly because of ignoring the "STOP"-sign. His insurance will pay for it, but unfortunately we won't get much out of it. 12-year-old car, not worth much. From the money we'll get I won't afford a "new" used one.

I saw the doctor the day after and yesterday because my neck hurts. Diagnose whiplash-injury. Hopefully we'll also get some pain compensation from the insurance as well.

Thank God nothing serious happened to us. :/
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