The image above is from the first batch of "beer"[1] I've brewed in a few years. It's a hopless oatmeal stout with vanilla and non-fermentable sweetener[2] added to give it a creamier taste & consistency. These babies should be ready for drinking the weekend of 2/5. I haven't decided when or if to share these with my nearest & dearest yet, but I'll keep you all posted.
[1] Stupid rules regard what can be called what. Because my brew is hopless, it's not beer. Technically, it's either Gruit of Malt Liquor depending on where you come from. But my goal is to brew without ever touching a hop, so I guess I'm a Malt Liquor Brewer from now on.
[2] It's lactose. Apparently yeast can't process lactose, so it's the common addition to brews to make them sweeter.