I thought it about time to update this thing!
Life has been splended that last few months! I'm currently eating chocolate chip pancakes making my mood lift quite a bit.
I'm slowly getting ready to take the DATs again and still working with Dr.T. I've already got all my applications out for next falls round of addmissions. I already have my plans for next fall if that does not work out though. I am taking next sememster off which is VERY needed!! This medical and oral microbiology denatl school class is a really killer!
Also, next febuary we are heading to VEGAS! Im really excited about that i cant wait i wish i could leave right now! We are stayin in my parents time share which are always amazing! They are giving it to us for really cheap so mostly just have to find plane tickets and the rest of the money im free to blow on the craps tables! (that is when i get it from villa fortuanatas....not working there anymore)
Friday jon and i went to a party for sarah and gordy since they are moving to portland. It was a good time except by the time we left i think all the spinach dip i ate was not mixing with the vodka! eek. It was sad to see them go because they are so much fun. We will have to go and visit them!
Tomorrow is halloween! I love halloween even though i didnt get to dress up this year. I made jon a cute pinup girl pumpkin for the occasion! its adorable and instead of candy...of course he got PBR<3
Here's the cute couple now.......sigh<3