A start

Aug 02, 2008 19:58

Ok not sure what to write so here goes nothing. Hmmm we will start with my week.

After realizing that my fringe is currently below the level of my eyes I discover that my hairdresser is away. Ah well who needs to see anyway.

The temp dial in the fridge had been turned around at some point. Causing me to spend several minutes having to chip some milk into my cup of tea.

The upstairs toilet has leaked....lots.
Didn't notice it until I walked into the puddle in the bathroom....Ummm lovely (
2 hours and several rounds of sarcastic comments with husband later and it's fixed....yay.   Thank you google.

Husband who sits at the computer 5 feet away from mine started chocking on something he was eating. I was just about to leap to his aid when I noticed he was still able to control his computer games character so that they didn't die and managing to take out a couple of his opponents. Both he and his character were fine btw.

Woot made a start. I'll try to think of some other stuff to put here and keep it updated.
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