This. Is . What. You. Get. When. You Mess. With. Love.

Oct 26, 2005 22:04

is this what it feels like.

to abandon the gas station adventures. and depart from the gasoline rainbows. i don't understand. why humanity upsets me. so much. and why every single person i know has disappointed me. why. can't i just run away and marry an illegal citzen to abandon all hopes of getting well. and to give the illegal alien a chance. to start a new. this. is my life. full of blurry mornings. and upset stomaches. and headachs that never go away.i don't enjoy much of anything anymore. how sad. pathetic. and disgusting. sometimes. i just wish i could fade in and out of this so called life. and just start over and hopefully. this time. the karma police..will stay out of my way.


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