Button up that shirt you're s'posed to wear.

Feb 14, 2005 07:59

Week Ten. That's where we are. That makes next week finals week, but since I only have one final next week, I have THREE exams this week. And a lab report, and a 15-page report, and a lab book due. That means I have no time to be typing this, but I think I have senioritis again. Not that I'm a senior. And not that I have any right in the world to have senioritis, except that I'm going on co-op for the next two quarters, meaning I'm moving to New York City a few days into March, meaning I'm visiting New York after my one final Monday, meaning I'm staying in a hostel for two nights because I'm broke.

I don't know how I'm going to move there. I mean, even after I find a place to live I'm going to have to drive there. Somehow. I'm going to rent a U-Haul van I believe, but that still involves driving in the city. Perhaps I should arrive in the middle of the night so traffic isn't so bad. But I'm definitely not having a car there.

I have mixed feelings about this co-op. I mean it's exactly the job I want, but it doesn't pay very well, so I'll probably have to try to locate another random job for some evenings. And it's at a really bad time, in that I didn't find out until about a week ago that I actually got it so had to deal with the end of the quarter AND moving to New York. And moving there is going to cost a lot initially, what with security deposits and fees and brokers and visits and new professional clothes and new furniture. And because it doesn't pay well, I don't know how easy it will be to repay all of the initial costs. I'm already very far in debt, and was counting on co-op to get me out of it. I need to learn how to be frugal for once, even though I can't imagine living that way. At least not forever. Perhaps I can handle it for six months. Perhaps. I plan to take clothes and books with me and my computer and my printer with me. Period. Then I will buy furniture and decorations and necessities. Et voila.

My birthday was Thursday: a very typical day until I went to work and Tom had ordered me balloons, Mom had ordered me a Rice Krispies Treat cake, and my supervisor had made me a fruit and cheese basket. And then they let me be lazy all night. "It's okay if you don't do much; it's your birthday!" I love that. And then Mom and John came up for the weekend and we went to the Memorial Art Gallery downtown and had all kinds of food and bought some books and got lost all over Monroe County. It was great fun and I love not knowing where I'm going.

Valentine's Day is so weird. It gives everyone a bug, apparently. I worked for three hours yesterday and got asked out three times. It's a pity I have no time for anything. Like this long-awaited update.

Okay, must study for 9:00 exam. Then I must talk to my project partner to make sure he approves of what I'm writing for our project. I hate that he knows everything about printing but writes like he's never read a book. It's actually really sad for him and a bother for me, since I have to write all fifteen pages based on the links he sends me. Ugh.

Okay, I have a test at 9 that I haven't studied for, so I should go do that.
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