I'm up way earlier than I need to be, but before exams I habitually get up like this. The final I have at 8, however, can in no way influence my grade unless I get below a 50 or about a 99. If I had realized this earlier last night I would not have had the minor nervous breakdown. If I had realized this earlier last night I probably would have gone to work. But I didn't. But if I hadn't skipped work, I wouldn't had binged on junk food with my roommate and I wouldn't have found out for a couple days that I got an A in physics, which is so unbelievable I'm thinking about going to see my professor today to find out how. That pretty much guarantees me a 3.5 for the quarter, which is acceptable. I would look forward to next quarter's classes, but it's pretty much a continuation of this quarter with more labs. All of my classes have labs
next quarter. Fortunately, I like labs because I am so much a hands-on learner.
Today I am taking my Materials & Processes I final, working 10:30 to 4, going to see Garden State again at the dollar theater, and going ice skating. Then it's time to clean and pack. Not sure when I'll head home Saturday, but hopefully it will be early. I think I will bring my car back from break with me to try to sell it, because it isn't working in Covington. Cars are more expensive here, anyway, so maybe mine will be cheap compared to others. So I have three weeks to sell it.
I don't have anything to say when I don't have anything to complain about. Who can complain about anything while listening to alternative rock? The quarter is ending in three hours and I am thrilled. It's been a constant struggle. Stopping now.