Mar 25, 2004 21:40
my god damn cell phone is like completely broken at the moment. it wont even turn on. AND my voice mail hasnt been working. if you have left me a message in the past few days, i prolly havent gotten it. GRRRR. and i told like 8 (well maybe more like 6... which i guess isnt that far off) people that i would call them tomorrow, since i am supposed to be heading back to maryland and i wanted to let everyone know what my deal is, and GRRRR. i dont know how to get to karb's house, im supposed to be going to see celina, but now im really nervous about going into the city without a functioning cell phone. i got lost finding my parents store this week, how could i find her classroom in nyc? its bad enough to drive to god damn maryland without a cell phone. and im too pussy to tell my mom that its not working because she will kill me. that cell phone is less than a year old. it had better friggin turn on soon. i dont even know what to do to try to fix it.
im not freaking out nearly as much as this entry sounds, but i am a little freaking out, because this is really annoying me.
oh yea, and my last entry didnt mean to sound nearly as depressed as it did. it was just a lonely night in my house. everyone else was asleep, it was quiet, and dark, and i had a few things on my mind.
im actually quite happy about several things. so no need to worry about me.
just make my damn cell phone work.