Jul 26, 2007 20:15
"It's been a long... whatever..."
Current mood: excited and exhausted
I. am. so. fucking. tired.
As my mom just said "It's been a long...whatever..." And that pretty much sums up how I feel. I can't even put a time frame on the long. It's just been too damn, well, long...
I have an interview with Columbia Academy on Monday at noon. Which means I need to make sure I have interview clothes, gather my lesson plans together, and come up with three solid project pitches. The job is head of the "Enrichment Department." I say "Head" because I will be the whole of the enrichment department. This, by default, makes me in charge of it. It will be my baby and my baby alone. The purpose of the enrichment classes is to basically give kids an anchoring experience that will help them to remember everything they have learned in their more traditionally taught (yay Socratic Method) classes. For example, an enrichment teacher of years past had a group of students that was learning about Ancient Egyptian culture mummify a chicken. Whether it was an intact chicken or a frozen oven-stuffer, I'm not yet sure. But I hope to find out in due course.
The last teacher (who got sacked) let the kids play Uno or do their homework. He turned the class into study hall. This is unbelievable to me. As far as I am concerned, being the wacked out teacher that has you mummify chickens is the best job EVER. Why someone would want to waste that on Uno and note-passing is completely beyond me.
So I have determined that I will write up three project "pitches" for my interview, falling in line with all the state educational curriculum guidelines and blah blah blah. I want to come up with a science project, a math project and a social studies project. I decided against language arts because all of these projects will have a writing component in them. This is not to say that I won't ever do English projects when/if I get hired. I just want to show the boss a range of my creativity, planning and proposed execution. Since he already knows that I have a lit background, I want to shy away from that a bit so he doesn't think he'll be hiring someone who will do nothing but creative writing.
The science and social studies won't be hard. I love science and history and have a decent grasp on them in general (and a phenomenal grasp on what middle schoolers should know about them). Math will be harder. Because I hate it. I don't "get" it. I never felt comfortable with it, and haven't continued my math studies post high school graduation (remedial math 99 so I could graduate college does NOT count) the way I have continued to dabble in and at other academic subject matter.
This probably means that my math projects will turn out to be the best ones, as it will have to be a pretty damn good math project to make me give a damn about it.
So, to all of you who read this, do whatever it is you do spiritually to ensure me luck. Pray, cast spells, wish on stars, hell, sacrifice virgins (if you can find any). I need this job for so much more than the pay check. I need it because I feel like it was what I was meant to do.
Here's to mummifying chickens!