when there's so much at stake that we're to scared to try

Feb 03, 2007 20:34

School is school...I'm counting down the days until graduation, anxiously awaiting my release into the real world, and the time when I can go home and no longer be forced to drive into the lake effect snow and risk my life on a daily basis to teach the over priviledged youth of West Michigan. I miss being able to go out with my friends, given my new financial constraints as well as the whole need for sleep and time thing I rarely get to see them anymore. Maybe this will make it easier when I have to up an leave them all for good in three months. Three months...is that really all it is? Until almost all of the gang graduates and separates...when we will no longer have this bubble of closeness under which we've lived for the past four to six years of our lives depending on who it is you're talking to? That's practically forever that we've spent in each others business, in each others lives, and now we have to go away and be adults, and not go bowling with everyone on Tuesday night, not go to the club Thursdays and dance with the one guy that will go with us eight girls, not stay up until 4am at a house (apartment) party playing the dumbest games and having the most fun anyone could possibly have with a group of friends. Where will our lives take us?

Some days life just hands you a deck you aren't quite ready to play, other days you feel as though the world is smiling down and nothing can go wrong. I tend to have a lot of days that revolve around the former, yet I try and make the most and tell myself to live one day at a time. Sometimes you have friends that tell you the most amazing things...they assure you that you are wonderful and are someone that they can rely on and someone that makes their days a little more like the latter, and I wonder to myself if it is necessary for us to give away our good for someone else. Maybe that's why I have a little less good sometimes than others, because I give my happy to other people. But then I think of all the people who have to have given some of their happy to me, for all those amazing days I have, and I am so greatful fr each and everyone of them and each and every one of those moments, without which I might not be here today.

So there's my randomly introspective post. Hope all is well wth everyone...leave me some love :)
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