Chris ordered us all senior sweatshirts that are hilarious. They have a picture of some arbitrary graph that approaches a limit on both sides, but then cuts off and has a little piece of the graph disconnected from the rest, and underneath it reads "NO LIMITS
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I have days when it seems like Aquinas and C.S. Lewis and all the rest are off the deep end philosophically. First Mover, Necessary Being... words, words, words! And then I remember all the things I've experienced personally... things that would never convince anyone else, because they were just meant for me. Little prayers answered: sometimes I pray for a complement when I'm really feeling down. One came from Donne! Random things: once I was really freaking out about something and just out of the blue thought, "If I'm just paranoid, God, let someone mention 'fish' today." (That's really embarrassing) I realized that night that we had talked about fish sticks at lunch. Things that could very well be coincidences... but somehow I know they're not.
Other days, I look at the bulk of personal evidences I've compiled and think, "This is what I've based my faith, my life on?" And that's when I reread Mere Christianity, or Lee Strobel's Case for Christ (either one of which I'd be happy to give you) and am reassured that Christianity doesn't cower in the face of Science, or New Age religions, or anything else.
The best thing to do is to keep praying through it. Not just fake stuff you don't really feel ("Thank you for this day"). God can handle your doubts and your honesty.
The worst thing is to not tell anyone you're struggling. C.S. Lewis originally published A Grief Observed under a different name because he was a big name theologian and thought it could hurt his reputation... or God's. Turns out, Christianity isn't all daisies and pretty worship songs. And asking for help isn't a bad thing. What can I do to help you? Senior Project rocks! We have plenty of free days to meet for coffee if you want to talk things out.
Anyway, I think I'm just spewing now, but I hope some of that was on target. I am praying for you (both of you).
Let's talk about hanging out during senior prodgeject. Like, maybe Monday.
Thanks so much.
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