Yeah, I was at the mall, where I do a good amount of the thinking I remember (the other thinking I do as I'm about to go to sleep, but remembering it is hard since I have 8 hours of rest to forget it), and I cam up with this line for no reason, since i was just there because I wanted to leave the house before my dad made me lift weights with him, which is so far having no affect. However, as I thought on, it reminded me of a conversation I had, so i would like to say to this to the person I had said conversation with since it probably wont be read, and that's when it's easiest: Wow, that was real bitchy of you, or I just took it the wrong way, but oh well, you aren't reading this so it doesn't matter. If you think it's you, well, it probably isn't because you're reading this, but if that's not good enough, try thinking of anything you might have said about regarding cancer that might have been an asshat buzzkill. Aside from that, I also came up with this little cartoon while I was walking about the mall, then I came home, made it in Paint, which is all I care to have, and was told it was ok, so here it is:
This took me about 5 minutes to make, most of which were spent finding the bunny and cutting off the background that came with him, and making sure I stayed in the lines on panel 3. Also, if I were nice, i'd put this behind an LJ cut. Too bad eh???
If you were to kill me today, my parents would now inherit (assuming you didn't steal them first) 7 dvds/dvd sets: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Season 1, Alien Quadrilogy, Cowboy Beebop 1 (stupid anime phase), Trigun 1 (got this before it was on AS, so I didn't know that I wouldn't enjoy it enough to buy this), Donnie Darko, Mad Max, and The Upright Citizens Brigade Season 1, which I bought today at the mall (the reason I didn't go to Hot Topic [I'm looking for a cd for some reason, and all the other cd stores in the mall died] or EB, which is why I'm suppossedly going tomorrow, according to my brain). However, if you do try and kill me for my dvds, I'm going to fight back since I now possess a sheet with a hole in it that Mad Max Jesus has said I can shoot people through (I also normally hate guns, but the hole in the sheet makes it ok) and even have sex with older hookers (Mad Max Jesus is ok with young hookers, but not old ones). Both of those are remotely inside jokes, one of which (hole in the sheet) you can learn about by buying UCB Season 1 dvd set. Better yet, you can rent it from me and say "fuck you" to whoever it is who would normally get money from the purchase, or even better still, watch it at my house. However, since no one's reading this, I'm just going to end up sitting with a bucket full of Atomic Fireballs in front of the tv watching a man fuck a time machine through a hole in a sheet.
Right now, I'm going to break away from all this dvd crap, even though no one's reading, and get into my serious scientific mode and discuss with you, the person who isn't reading, something I have found out through the internet. Girls who like getting naked for free do it more often for or in the presence of a member of the armed services, and if you don't believe this, um, well, just do, because it's fucking true and stupid at the same time. "But Ronnie" you say, even though you aren't reading this, "How do you know this?" Well, since I only really go to 3 sites on the internet before I have nothing to do and I end up at LJ, I have a lot of free internet scowering time, some of which I spend clicking the random button on the side of the LJ site. Of the people on LJ, a good percentile are a group who refer to themselves as "camwhores," or "camwh0res." Many of them are harmless emo chicks who are simply cookie-cutter clones of one-another, but every so often, I come upon a "camwhore" who, instead of taking pictures of her ugly sunglasses that my mom wouldn't even wear or her boyfriend who looks just like her or her friend who also looks just like her, spends her time taking pics known simply as "teh naked." Fortunately for you, I'm not afriad of "teh naked," (quite the opposite even) and over time, I've simply noticed that most of these girls either are dating a guy in the armed forces, have a friend they used to have "the sex" with who is in the armed forces, or, when wearing clothes at all, have an army shirt. Yeah, I'm just as surpirised as you are, but it's fucking true, as well as fucking insane, but it brings up an interesting point.
Maybe the armed forces aren't all bad since girls who are, to me atleast (simply because I didn't have common interests with them and they mostly seemed too happy), boring as hell, seem to love getting naked for you if you're fighting for this country. I mean, sure, I'm never enlisting, especially in this war since, as I discussed with no one, this war, unlike WW1 and 2 and Vietnam, has no interesting ports of call anywhere near it. I mean, In Vietnam, there was Korea or Japan, and in WW1 and 2, there was France, all places you could go and talk to pretty girls and lose credits on a whore (yeah, because if I get drafted, I'd do that, no kidding, since you never know when you'll die), but in Iraq, there's just the rest of the Middle East, where they stone women to death like Puritans if they have a child out of weddlock or commit adultery, fun!!! Oh well, just wanted to let the people who aren't reading know so you can say to your friends "Armed forces members get chicks who dont like clothes but love the sex."
Today, while I was about to sleep, I deicded that if I ever get a girlfriend and keep her for a while (I said if, I used to say when), I'm going to go to her house one day in a suit and tie with a cd player full of slow songs (slow songs to me is No Motiv's "And Sadness Prevails..." cd, as soon as I get it since there are now two good songs on it, on repeat) so i can have the prom I never had. Yeah, sure, it was 5am and I had just seen some Freddy Prince Jr. movie from the 90's (thet're all the same, so I can't name it [just like John Cusack from the 90's]) where he does something like that, so it isn't too original or anything. I just got weirded out last night that my best quote and entry is still from the night that was
"Prom Night", so I got to thinking about weird crud, and the dramatic son of a comic was in some movie in which a man 10x my better goes thorugh crap with some girl. The universe is horrible like that. It's also horrible that everytime I hear a song that is good or plucks on some string in my subconscious, my spine gets a shiver running up and sown, but atleast i makes it easier to buy music. Today's song, from Punk-O-Rama 5, which I'm considering putting in the car cd payer in the place of "The Fury of..." The Aquabtas evn though it features Pennywise, is one such song by some band that is either German or has nothing but German fans.
Oh yeah, the internet is also still trying to kill my brain, since this week I went from the guy with the vibrator in his urethra to Wednesday or Thursday's find of a girl on a fetsh site I got to through IRC with a hook in her ass. I'm going torepeat this so you understand the actualness of what I saw. This was no girl with some little earring sized pin in the skin of her ass hanging from the ceiling or something, because that would have not been as weird as actuallity. This girl had an "I Know What You Did Last Summer" murder hook inserted sharp end first into her asshole, and she liked it, or so I hope, and I was barely affected except for my hoping that she wasn't enjoying it. Yeah guys, god loves the internet because it's the cool place...
Edit to add a stupid quote of mine from when I wasn't fully asleep:
"Forget where they stab you, a true friend will tell you if you smell like ass, even if he/she wants you madly."
Sadly, my mom can never be anyone's true friend.