Sep 08, 2003 02:07
Please don't put me in the furnace. I don't know why you would, but please don't, just in case you were entertaining the thought, or ever had... Instead, bring your daughter to the slaughter, because some song by some band says so, and you should listen to music, always!!!
In real life, I could have gone to some job fair for Knott's Scary Farm, but I didn't, and I still don't know why, even though I was awake with plenty of time to spare with going to said fair on my mind. Sure, odds are I wouldn't have gotten a job since millions of people were going to be there, but I think it would have been funny to see what those people who do the sacring (I've never been to KSF, so I'm just assuming what it's like based on my experiences at the Bud Light Haunted House [took place at what is now Barne's and Noble's on Beach] and the low budge one I went to at Chapman that scared the wits out of me [easy to do at 11]) do when they aren't, um, for lack of a better word, scaring. It would be cool if theyhad stereotypical this-voice-doesn't-fit-this-body voices that they used to express distaste with life while smoking a cigarette and belching for no good reason, but oh well, I'll never know. I wish a good non-seasonal job fell out of the sky and hit me in the skull.
Also, I've been reading and seeing on tv all this commotion about sharks attacking people, and it's odd that the sharks are being portrayed as the bad guys. If people on the plains of Africa get attacked by lions or other aggressive felines (that word, feline, sounds so docile and feminine), it is the fault of the eaten and not the eater, but with sharks, they are simply swimming retarded teeth. The only difference is that people like the ocean and that sharks are harder to see in the water, unless you're in a helicopter at 100 feet, at which time they stick out like a sore thumb.
Sure, nothing in this entry really make's sense, but what do you expect. I started this entry at 11pm with the though "Don't throw me in the furnace," and it's 2am now. I'm trying unsuccesfully to regain a normal 11-8 sleeping schedule, but it isn't working yet, because I'm going to go and play Dragon Warrior on my NES after this, so hopefully I'll work on sleep tomorrow (I still plan to sleep today, but from 4 to 9 instead)...