fic: Bittersweet

Jan 03, 2014 19:43

Title: Bittersweet
Author: slacker_d
Pairing/Characters: Rachel/Santana, Puck, Brittany/Marisa, Quinn/Alyson, Sue, Figgins, Mike/Wendy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Graduation and other finality related events.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: ~9,030
A/N: So believe it or not, this is the final one and we are now approximately where Ambitions picks up. If you're still around after all this time, I thank you. And if you're one of those that has been here the whole time, when this was just me writing random crap that amused me and also happened to fit together, then I offer my most sincere thanks for the encouragement and for actually sticking around because apparently it's been over three freaking years. I fully admit that it's the only reason I've managed to finish it.
2nd A/N: Unbeta’ed, so all mistakes are mine.

series masterlist

"So why are we here again? It can't be to relive your football glory days. Because those don't really exist."

author: slacker_d, fic, length: 5000+, rating: pg

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