
Nov 27, 2011 13:30

Title: Confessions
Pairing: Santana/Rachel (Pezberry)
Rating: Hard R/Nc17
Word Count: 3,257 words
Spoilers: None, just be up to date with glee.
Warnings: Girl/Girl, Cursing, Sexual actions.
Disclaimer: These characters do NOT belong to me... I just like to play with them! :)
A/N: This is unbetaed. Following a prompt from "Ofsteel" on Tumblr: Rachel thought she saw signs of Santana's crush on her, but she always assumed it was just her own schoolgirl crush giving her an overactive imagination. When Brittany confirms the crush, Rachel decides to confront Santana about it in the girls' bathroom.

This is my first attempt at Lesbian porn. :) Please be gentle.

rating: nc-17, length: 1000+, fic, rating: r

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