well today, me and my sis <"
http://www.livejournal.com/users/deadbie_dose">dose took the kiddos to the mall...always an adventure *cues indiana jones music* so on with the story!
Patricia was wearing plaid pants and a black shirt, so i sprayed her hair pink in the parking lot before we went in...first store we went in, Patricia asked for a butt chain, like mine :) so i safety pinned one of dose's to her pants...yay for punk rawk kids! :P so then we went over to hot topic, and got stared at the whole way there....dose has black hair with blue chunks, tons of facial piercings, and a baby *hehe* and i've got short spikey black hair with bangs, facial piercings, and a punk rawked kid! :D so yeah...Patricia spotted a Labyrinth tshirt at the gawth gap, so now it's my mission to find one cheaper for her online, or scrape up the $20 to buy her that one...its about time she starts wearing tshirts and dressing a little punkier anyway...yup yup...she picked out (without any help from me or anyone else for that matter) a glow in the dark spiked bracelet for $3, so she now has her first piece of spiked jewelry :P
before the mall trip, i pierced dose's septum :D went really good...no one was around to take pics, but that's okay. dose is gonna pierce my lips (on my mouth, you pervos) probably tomorrow. would've done them tonight before the mall trip, but my mom came downstairs when i was getting everything ready to go, and wouldnt go back upstairs...ah well....tomorrow i'll have 25 piercings...woo fuckin hoo...
well, it's about time i go smoke, and that's about all i can think of to update