My cd player has been really busy as of late. I've also been trying to find some new influences music wise. Heres what I got !;Deathcab for Cutie, @;Straylight run, #;Denver Harbor, $;New Get Up Kids. I think I've been really getting better at listening and enjoying music. I've learned how to tear songs apart and listen to single instruments throughtout songs. Also included Interesting timing, palm mutes and non-continuous riffs. Since were on the subject of music, Kenny has started a actually website for us to post awesome music reviews & articles. That link would be As for I, I have started working on our old blog Erik & I have been really working on this whole save the music scene one city at a time starting with S.A. The plan is to starting running and promoting our own shows. This one is underway. We are also thinking about possible moving in with Kenny if he decides to move to Austin. WE WOULD I REPEAT WE WOULD HAVE THE BEST BACHELOR PAD EVER!!! The E-man & I also have been talking about how to get my label up and running. Erik's teaching me guitar on the side. Im learning A LOT on my own too! Money has been pretty good at work lately. I've also noticed more and more people are talking about politics in the restuarant. Speaking of which Erik & I voted today!!! No need to explain who we voted for! Grades are slipping but I will be taking care of that real quick! Shows have been kind of upsetting. I think I hyped the TBS show toooooo much. It ended up raining and we missed everyone except for TBS. I was pretty dissapointed. However on a good note I bought 3 tees. Oh im making new friends from myspace. Lifes been pretty good lately. I really hope I start to lighten up some more because I really would like to make some new friends that last and meet some nice girls along the way. :) YAY FOR POSITIVITY!