LAURA!!! hello darling! this weekend was soo fun! and the movie...hilarious! and i was soo tired and mrs.mcmahon thought it was me and kaitlyn keeping yall up..grr! and wow that was really funny with kaitlynand her shorts! bahahah. i would have laughed more but i thnk i was like half asleep! hmm whatelse...oh yeah and we have to keep a spot for her in our weight lifting group! lol..and we have 2 be int he same one k?!! k! lol..well ok im gonna finish watching phil of the future lol. good bye lovely! ♥ **Sarah**
ahh yes phil of the future and all of our other disney channel favorites! ~yeah mrs. M thought me and shellie were like angels or somthin...haha it was all yalls fault for keepin us up! ~yeah u were asleep and those couches were pretty comfy to sleep on it was nice to sleep late! ~yeah we will save a spot & b in the same group...that wil b one CRAZY group ~i think that my favortie part of the evening was watchin u and kaitlyn kill each other...that would make great t.v.! ♥ u doodle!
OMG!!!!! lol! i totally forgot about that!! U LOSER! lol ahhaha...and yeah i forgot bout all that walking around at night and the have a short term memory loss. and yall are great ppl!! I LOVE you girls! i would be like so alone with out yall yall!
i think the rest of yall r loser for callin it kEtchup even tho that is how its spelled....and i think i do have short term memory loss...haha im glad ur not alone ..b/c then u wouldnt b with sad! ♥
~yeah mrs. M thought me and shellie were like angels or somthin...haha it
was all yalls fault for keepin us up!
~yeah u were asleep and those couches were pretty comfy to sleep on it was
nice to sleep late!
~yeah we will save a spot & b in the same group...that wil b one CRAZY group
~i think that my favortie part of the evening was watchin u and kaitlyn kill
each other...that would make great t.v.!
♥ u doodle!
im glad ur not alone ..b/c then u wouldnt b with sad!
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