позитив, блин!

Apr 11, 2003 15:05

сегодня у меня было задание по Communication - написать сказку либо историю, которая была бы структурирована в духе классических народных сказок, либо в духе hollywood story.
В структуре (я выбрала модель первую - традиционная народная сказка) должны были присутствовать следующие элементы:
1. Субъект (главный герой)
2. Объект желания упомянутого в пункте 1 (награда, приз, желаемое состояние)
3. Антагонист (антигерой, враг, препятствие)
4. Конфликт упомянутого в пункте 1 с упомянутым в пункте 3
5. Задачи, квесты, проблемы, которые должны быть решены субъектом.
6. Некие помощники для субъекта (существа, люди, способности)
7. Хеппи енд где "1" получает "2" а "3" полностью или частично уничтожен (истреблён, дискриминирован).
Сказка само собой должна была иметь мораль. На выбор было предложено промоушенить две идеи:
1) it pays to be kind
2) it pays to be evil
на всё про всё было выделено полчаса. и вот что получилось:

A Strange story about SOMETHING
© Olga Safonova, 2003

Once there was a SOMETHING. And this SOMETHING was so alone because IT lived in the middle of NOWHERE. NOWHERE was not nice place to live, as it had only darkness and emptiness inside. No single ray of light, no thoughts, no friends, no happiness. And SOMETHING suffered very much. IT was full of kindness to apply, knowledge to share, help to render - but there was no ANY OBJECT to which SOMETHING could give all IT had.

So IT decided to go out of NOWHERE and to find SOME OBJECT, who could be IT’s friend, and whom IT could take care of and live for. SOMETHING had no meaning to live in the middle of NOWHERE.
But NOWHERE did not want SOMETHING to escape. NOWHERE had its’ own unreasonable reason to keep SOMETHING inside. The reason was just the whim. NOWHERE did not want that SOMETHING would be happy and find SOME OBJECT to take care of. NOWHERE was very jealous. IT told to SOMETHING: “I have three tasks for you. If you will find a solution how to fulfil them, I will let you go. Otherwise you will stay here forever.”

SOMETHING had no other choice and agreed.

The first task was to light the fire in the darkness. SOMETHING tried very hard and did IT's best. It lighted the fire using the power of love it had deep inside in ITSELF.

The second task was to grow the beautiful flower. It was much more difficult for SOMETHING as IT had never seen any flowers and of course IT had no any idea what does beautiful means. But IT made this task also, using the power of imagination.

The third task was the most difficult. NOWHERE told SOMETHING to create a WORLD. SOMETHING had no single concept about the WORLD. What should it be and how should it look like? What laws and fundamental principles should it be based on? What creatures should live inside? By what means should they communicate with each other? SOMETHING had an endless list of these questions. IT did not know answers. But gradually IT started thinking, and inventing answers to these questions. SOMETHING used power of creativity. And IT succeeded the third time.

Gradually NOWHERE had just disappeared. And SOMETHING found ITSELF inside the beautiful and reasonable WORLD. This world had a lot of OBJECTS, IDEAS and MEANINGS. SOMETHING had found a lot of good friends and all they lived happily forever.
That’s it.

mecool, creatiff g

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