Who Meme

Feb 12, 2008 22:48

Snurched from
morgeil's LJ...

1. When did you start watching?
1984ish, on a weekday afternoon

1a. Why?
I was either waiting for Mr. Roger's Neighborhood to come on, or I wanted to see what would be on after it went off.

2. What was your first episode?
Frontios Part Two

3. Which episodes have you seen?
All of the ones that still exist in the archives.

3a. Favourite?
Paradise Towers

4. Are your friends/family interested in the show?
They watch with me on Saturdays, but they're not "into" the show like I am.

5. Which Doctor is your favourite?
Seventh Doctor, circa Season 24

6. Which Doctor is your least favourite?
Ninth Doctor.  He's funny, but he doesn't seem very Doctor-like sometimes.  I don't dislike him, but somebody had to be last, so I chose Nine.

7. Which TV companion is your favourite?
Sarah Jane/K-9/Ace

8. Which TV companion is your least favourite?

9. Do you listen to the Big Finish audios?
Yes.  Well, I used to.  I still buy them all, but I haven't listened to any of them for ages.

9a. If so, which is your favourite?
The Chimes of Midnight.  Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without it.

9b. Also: which Big Finish companion is your favourite?
Charley Pollard

10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish audios?
I've listened to Marco Polo, Galaxy Four, The Daleks' Masterplan.  A couple of the Sylvester/Sophie BBV audios...

10a. If so, which is your favourite?
Marco Polo is pure class.  It's a shame the episodes are missing.

11. Have you read any of the novels or short stories?
Maybe half of the NAs, a fourth of the MAs, half the EDAs, a few PDAs, Winner Takes All, Made of Steel, a few short stories.

11a. Have you written any of the novels or short stories?
One short story, to be published later this year in How the Doctor Changed My Life.  It contains the words "denim", "nightlight", and "Shibuya".

11b. Which is your favourite?
Mine, of course!  Seriously though, it'd be Timewyrm: Exodus.  Alternate WWII for the win!

12. Have you read any of the comics?
All the DWM stuff from T. Baker, Davison, Eccleston.  Some early C. Baker, McGann, Tennant, and most of the later McCoys.

12a. You guessed it - which is your favourite?
The Tides of Time - The best there was, the best there is, the best there ever will be

13. Do you watch any of the spinoffs (e.g. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)?
Yes to both

13a. Which is your favourite?
Sarah Jane Adventures, because it feels like Doctor Who did when I was a kid.  Torchwood is good, a lot better this year, but it's got nothing on SJA.

14. Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen to/read?
Episode - The Feast of Steven, because it's probably the one I'll never see.  If we're talking existing episodes, I could really go for Day of the Daleks right about now, because I haven't seen it in a long time.
Book - The Pirate Loop looks interesting (and I'd say that even if Simon weren't my editor!)
Audio - The Bride of Peladon (I'm a sucker for sequels to classic Who tales)
Comic - The early McCoy comics, as I've never read them.  Here's hoping they do some McCoy volumes after Colin's stories are done.

1. Do you write fanfic for Doctor Who?
Yes, occasionally.

1a. If so, post a snippet of a work-in-progress (or several)!
Hrm, not currently working on anything, unfortunately.  I suppose I could sign up for a ficathon.  I've always wanted to try that sort of thing...

2. Do you create Doctor Who icons?
Yes, occasionally.

2a. Let’s see a sample!
*points to current avatar*

3. Recommend a fanfic/icon/fanvid/fancomic/fancreation!
 "An Attempt at Getting Your Leg Over" with Ben Jackson - Viewer Involvement Minimal by The Secretive Bus

4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?
No.  But I did visit the NC State Fair when the traveling Doctor Who USA Tour exhibition was making the rounds, if that counts.

5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?
Yes.  In middle school, we had to do a "Historical Court" and I was assigned as the defense attourney to Julius Caesar.  I showed up for the trial dressed as the Second Doctor.  I...have no idea why.

6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?
Yes.  Yes, I do.

7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?
Ehh...I like Mine All Mine, but beyond that and his Whoniverse activities, I haven't really watched anything he's done.  He's okay, I guess.

7a. Steven Moffat?
His Who stuff is good, and I like the only episode of Coupling I ever saw.  He's good people.

7b. Paul Cornell?
It's funny.  I loved Timewyrm: Revelation when I first read it, but he's never made quite as much of an impact on me since then.  As far as his TV stuff goes, Father's Day was okay, but Human Nature/Family of Blood didn't interest me much and I didn't care for the ending (the god-like punishments from the Doctor in particular)

8. What say you to Season 6b?
Unnecessary cramming of events into a rigid timeline.  I prefer the theory that time is constantly in flux due to all the time travelling, and the Second Doctor and Jamie we see in The Two Doctors are the same ones as always, but the "tides of time" have flowed around them, changing things so that the Time Lords found them (and Victoria) and drafted them to run errands for them.  A previous tide already washed up an older Second Doctor (in The Five Doctors) who still has his face but remembers that Jamie and Zoe were taken from him and that he was exiled to Earth.  Only a fluctuating timeline like the sand on the seashore can easily explain such discrepancies with little or no headaches, or attempts to shoehorn in too many events into an impossible span of time.  This theory also explains why there are two different versions of Human Nature floating around the place, and it can even explain the subtle differences between the cliffhangers shown on the show one week and their resolution the following week.

9. The UNIT dating controversy?
See above for my "Tides of Time" theory.

10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?
What about it?  The fact that two Roses can touch, but two Brigs can't?  And how does the Doctor shake hands with himself?  I quietly ignore it, and try not to think about it.  (Truthfully, I didn't even think about it until reading the question in this meme).

11. Multi-Doctor episodes?
Love 'em, bring 'em on!

12. What’s your favourite Doctor Who technobabble?
State of Temporal Grace, because it's obviously rubbish.

13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?
Once.  I watched an episode of The Avengers because Anneke Wills was dressed up like a cat girl.

14. Have you met any of the actors?
I've met Bessie, does that count? (Seriously, I had my picture took while I was sitting in Bessie.  At that Doctor Who USA Tour thing I mentioned earlier.)

14a. Travelled to any filming locations?

15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?
It's funny, I like it.

16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?
Adric and Mel weren't so bad really.  Twin Dilemma, Timelash, and Season 24 are awesome.  The Doctor and Rose aren't OTP, but they made an "okay" couple.

17. What’s your favourite pairing?
One/Cameca for the win!

18. What pairing(s) won’t you touch with a really long pole?
Doctor/Master - I just don't get it.  It's a funny pairing, but not one I would consider as an actual serious pairing, and I don't understand why anyone else does.  (That's not homophobia talking, either.  I think Jack/Ianto are an awesome couple, but Doctor/Master should always be played for laughs.)
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