What has been going on - a primer
Work: got laid off, unemployed for 18 months (with some small work sprinkled in), shitty job for 2 weeks before I told them to go fuck themselves, week later a permanent job doing detail design for a pneumatic conveyer company, didn’t like the management so when a better opportunity came up I jumped ship for better pay. The office was downtown St. Paul but I mainly worked at the Malt-o-Meal plant in Northfield working as the plant design coordinator, liked the company but I was on contract for a year and a half so when my old company wanted to know if I would come back with my seniority back, more then I was making then and great benies I jumped ship and came back and loving working back downtown Minneapolis! I also worked at the MN Renaissance Festival the past two years (I did that years ago)
Relationship: Last year I ended a long term (13 year) relationship, it should have happened a long, long time ago. Her drinking had gotten so bad that I could not take the daily on slot of verbal and physical abuse, being taken advantage of, and dealing with cheating and the like. At some point I will go into way to much detail about some of the stuff that happened. As of mid summer, I started dating again, there was Crazy Kitten, Christian, Hare(y) Cleavage aka Scary, Purple, Screamer, Geegee, The Belly Dancer, The Other Belly Dancer, Salsa, Oops, CC and a few others, my boss out at Renaissance Festival started to can me Doug Joan since I had a little harem going at fest… I have cut things down to one or two for the time being but I meet a new girl Sunday that I really am digging on, might have room to still explore.
Spent a little time in San Francisco and hoping to head back that way soon.
I am also working hard at art again, will go into detail soon or you can go to my
public art blog to see more.
Feel free to ask me a question if you like! I will probably be supper crass, open and honest here so be far warned, I need a non public vent area.