Oct 28, 2003 05:45
I don't know why it doesn't occur to me more to update this, I guess because a part of me wants other people to be interested in what I'm doing (not that I've given anyone anything interesting here), but another part of me is fairly afraid of getting flamed with hate mail like that one time.
The main problem with record keeping is that when it is all down on paper or in a diary, it is apparent that I haven't made much progress in life for about 2 years, at least, not as much progress as one makes when one is in school. I think it's not my fault or anything I should feel bad about, just a side effect of getting older. Time moves faster and last year could be yesterday, the dishes in the sink, the bills to write, the shows on TV.
I have actually learned how to knit, which is something, and I am taking some evening classes now, so I feel like I've come at least a little way. I have had a long term achievement in my weight-loss regime, so to some extent I have achieved those old new years resolutions.
Maybe the problem is that I haven't really challenged myself enough, so the achivements I have made weren't through a stroke of genius, but rather through persistance or *ugh* being more responsible.
So maybe I need to take some chances and stay up to 2 am watching horror movies, and roll into work exhausted with a extra strong latte in hand.