Pauline is the #133 most common female name.
0.165% of females in the US are named Pauline.
Around 210375 US females are named Pauline!
source Elizabeth is the #5 most common female name.
0.937% of females in the US are named Elizabeth.
Around 1194675 US females are named Elizabeth!
source Wilde is the #3013 most common last name.
0.004% of last names in the US are wilde.
Around 10000 US last names are Wilde!
source Lesser is the #9670 most common last name.
0.001% of last names in the US are Lesser.
Around 2500 US last names are Lesser!
source Yay! One common name!!
Now, for those of you who know my husband, his names aren't unique (except the last one) so he's confused when I have to buy anything with my first name on it.