Feb 07, 2006 22:42
(you've been forewarned about how the shakes shakedown).
if I had my time again, I would do it all the same. and not change a single thing, even when I was to blame for the heartache and the pain that i've caused throughout my years. (situation know when. rush for a change of atmosphere).
the only important thing these days you know is rhythm and melody. Rhythm. and melody. (a time to laugh, a time to cry)
and of all my friends, you've been the best to me. soon will be the day, when I repay you handsomely. broken heart to heart to man, you know I've had my share. but life just carries on, even when I'm not there. (situation know when. rush for a change of atmosphere).
This is Big Audio Dynamite. Big(bigbig) Aud(audio)ioio DyNAmite(dynamite)