I'm Taken

Feb 18, 2014 17:23

“Look, I don’t want you going over there just because he sneezes and needs a tissue to wipe his nose.  He’s got your mommy to do that.”  Leaning back against the sofa in his and Katie’s living room, Reid frowned at Luke sitting next to him.

Luke could tell that Reid wasn’t really all that irked but suspected the doctor wasn’t all completely at ease with Luke’s friendship with Noah either.  “Why Doctor Oliver, are you jealous?” Luke said with a smirk, happy that they were comfortable enough now to joke about these things.

“Of course not.  I don’t get jealous.  That would imply I had a heart.”

Nudging Reid with his shoulder, Luke replied, “I guess we best get you to the Wizard.”  He then knocked on Reid’s chest and made a perplexed face as if he didn’t hear anything.

“I knew this wasn’t Kansas,” Reid announced, looking around like he was lost.

“We’re in Illinois.”

“Same difference,” Reid said with a shrug.

Luke rolled his eyes and decided to return to the original conversation. He pulled back the sleeve on Reid’s burgundy shirt and began stroking the soft skin on his wrist.   The blond said, “I’m fine with telling Noah about us-he already knows I’m seeing someone.”  He paused for a moment and added uncertainly, “Well, at least I think he knows.  He kind of acted like I was saying that out of pride when he told me about Richard.”

Reid chuckled and put his arm around Luke’s shoulders.  “Ah, noble Sir Richard of the smiley-face shirts.  Who could resist such charm?”

“To be fair, Noah couldn’t see what Richard was wearing all this time.” Luke snuggled into Reid and inhaled his spicy scent.  He loved Reid’s aftershave and wondered what kind it was.  It would be nice to have around on nights that he couldn’t spend with Reid.

“I guess when Noah’s vision is one-hundred percent, it will be the test of true love.”

Luke laughed at Reid’s snide joke.  Sarcasm was something Noah had never understood, and Luke delighted in Reid’s.  “He didn’t mind some of the stuff I used to wear,” the blond pointed out.

“Like that green jacket?” Reid asked dubiously.

Luke leaned away from Reid and turned to face him.  “I like that jacket!”

Reid pulled him back and rubbed the small of Luke’s back.  “Good thing you’re a looker.”

“You don’t like that jacket?” Luke asked with surprise.  He’d always thought the jacket was cool, but he had gotten it at a thrift shop.
Maybe it wasn’t the hip vintage look he’d thought it to be.

“I like taking it off of you,” Reid replied with a hungry gaze.

“Very cute,” Luke commented, thinking that he’d have to get a new jacket.  Or, maybe he’d wear it just to force Reid to take it off.  He swallowed at the heated look he was getting from Reid but forced himself to continue what they’d been discussing.  “Why don’t I talk to Noah about us the next time I see him?”

“Can I attend?” Reid asked with a little too much eagerness in Luke’s opinion.

“I think it will be better coming from me.”  Luke had never understood why Reid had taken such a dislike to Noah.

“I don’t know why you think he needs the kid glove treatment,” Reid returned.  “Sorry, but that guy has been nothing but bossing you and Richard around ever since he got out of the hospital.  I’m surprised he hasn’t got some sort of bell installed to ring for you.”

“I think my mom is doing most of the helping,” Luke replied.  He wished he hadn’t mentioned to Reid all the chores Richard was doing for Noah.  Reid hadn’t let the idea go ever since.

“Need I remind you that she always calls you to come see Noah as if he’s going to waste away?”

“She’s just worried because his vision isn’t completely back.”  Luke thought his mom’s heart was in the right place, even if she did seem to call a little too often to ask him to get something for Noah-a prescription, a snack, or some other paltry item.  But, it wouldn’t last forever, and Luke didn’t mind.

Reid let out an irritated sigh.  “He sees well enough to get around, and I can’t seem to get away from him.  I bumped into him at Java, then in Old Town, and then at Hank’s just in the past two days.  In fact, if anything’s going to make him waste away, it would be Hank’s food.”

“Well, it’s good that he’s more independent, isn’t it?” Luke argued.  “Now we’re free to tell him about us.”  They’d waited to tell Noah about their relationship until after he was discharged from the hospital.  Reid hadn’t wanted to compromise Noah’s care, and Luke had wholeheartedly agreed.

“I’m not sure what business it really is of his.”

Luke took Reid’s hand in his and brushed his thumb across the older man’s palm.  “Look, Noah and I have a history.  He’d be hurt more if he found out through someone else.”

“He’s supposed to be over you,” Reid countered.

Luke nodded, wanting Reid to feel better about this.  “And he is.  And I’m over him.  But not every single feeling I’ve ever had for him can be erased.  I still care about him.”

“Spare me the epic love poem of you and Mr. Mayer.  I’ve already read the Cliffs Notes.”

Luke stopped stroking Reid’s palm and gave him an assessing look.  “You’re turning a little green, Reid.”

Reid pursed his lips and then said jokingly, “I’m thinking about that jacket of yours.”

A little laugh escaped Luke’s throat before he could stop it.  He then sobered and said, “I’m serious, Reid.  I have no intention of ever getting back together with Noah.  Too much has happened, and while I can be friends with him, I’ll never feel the way I used to.”

“He left a mark, Luke, and I can see it.”  He raised his palm to Luke’s cheek and cupped it.

Luke’s breath hitched, momentarily lost in an intense feeling of want and appreciation for the other man.  Finally, he replied, “We all have marks and bruises from our past.  They heal and leave scars, so we remember not to repeat those things.”

Reid sighed.  “Can we stop repeating the part where you go over there at his beck and call?  Seriously, he’s already got Richard and your mom.  A third servant is just overkill.”

“But who would he complain to if I’m not there?” Luke asked in mock horror.  He realized some of Reid’s sarcasm was rubbing off on him.

“Katie seems like a good listener,” Reid offered.

Snorting, Luke asked, “What did she do to piss you off?”

“Threw out a perfectly good sandwich yesterday morning,” Reid replied.

Not defeated on the subject of Noah yet, Luke responded, “Look, Noah is just worried his vision will never be the same.  He’s anxious, and that’s why he’s so…demanding.”  Luke wished Noah’s healing process would speed up.  No matter what Reid said, Luke still felt a little guilty that Noah’s vision wasn’t perfect.

“And it may never be 20/20 again, but that doesn’t mean he gets to have three personal slaves.  I saved his sight-I deserve at least one, and I call dibs.”

Silently agreeing that Reid was probably right and that he could cut down on doing Noah favors, Luke asked playfully, “Are you going to have a little bell to ring for me, Dr. Oliver?”

“Are you going to do as you’re told?” Reid asked in a low tone, once again rubbing the base of Luke’s spine.

“Now, what’s the fun in that?” Luke asked, trying to pretend innocence but unable to stop the grin spreading across his face.

“Why don’t I show you?”


Luke showed up promptly at noon the next day at Al’s to meet Noah.  The blond had been surprised to get a text from his ex that suggested he wanted to spend time with Luke.  So far, most of their interactions had involved Luke doing things for Noah, like doing his laundry.

Noah was already seated at a booth and looked up with a bright smile when Luke approached.  “I’m so glad you came today.  I got my vision entirely back yesterday, and I couldn’t wait to tell you!”

“You did?”  Luke guessed it must been in the evening after he had last seen Reid.  Luke had to stifle the automatic grin on his face as he thought about his afternoon spent on Reid’s sofa.

“Yeah.  Why didn’t you visit me?” Noah asked a little petulantly.

“I saw you yesterday morning.”  Did Noah expect him to visit morning, noon, and night?

“But you weren’t here when I needed you, and you didn’t answer my call.”

Luke felt a little guilty at that reminder.  He had received a call from Noah, but he’d missed it and then gotten so wrapped up in work that he’d forgotten about it.  “I was busy at the Foundation, Noah.  You didn’t leave a message, so I thought it wasn’t important.  I’m sorry.  But, you got your vision back.  Why did you need me when that’s a good thing?”

“God, Luke, sometimes you only think about yourself.”

There was never easy forgiveness from Noah, Luke reminded himself.  The tightness in Luke’s chest eased as he reflected how different Reid was in that regard.  Taking a breath, Luke asked, “Didn’t Richard come see you?”  Richard was always there.  He was the new boyfriend after all.

“He did, but it wasn’t the same.  And I’m not sure that’s going to work out anyway.”  Noah’s eyes shifted away from Luke uneasily before the brunet said, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

This is interesting, Luke thought, not sure what Noah planned to say. Perhaps it would be a good opportunity for Luke to tell Noah about Reid.  “You have?  I’ve been meaning to talk to you, too.”

Noah squinted at Luke and frowned.  “Well, whatever it is can wait.  This is important.”

“Yeah, I never say anything important,” Luke muttered under his breath.

“It’s about us,” Noah continued.

“You and Richard?  Because there is no ‘us,’ Noah.  We were over a long time ago.”  Warning bells went off in Luke’s head.  Noah didn’t want to get back together, did he?

Noah looked surprised, which didn’t do anything to alleviate Luke’s fears.  The broad-shouldered man said, “Richard?  Oh, he’s okay and all.  But he’s doesn’t have a lot of depth.  I meant you and me, Luke.  We shared some good times, didn’t we?”  He smiled and took Luke’s hand across the table as if he expected an easy and happy reply.

“A few,” Luke said, withdrawing his hand firmly.  A few if you don’t count getting paralyzed, kidnapping, you getting married, or you acting like a total jerk when you lost your sight.  Luke paused for a moment, surprised at where his thoughts had taken him.  A few weeks ago, Luke had recounted most of his history to Reid.  The doctor had pointed out that Noah had a habit of not standing by Luke when things were tough, and at the time Luke had made excuses for his ex.  But now, he felt like his viewpoint had changed with a little more distance and time away from Noah.

Noah huffed, “I know you haven’t really moved on, so I wanted to be up front with you about my feelings.”
Luke put his hands up to stop him from talking.  “Noah, you really don’t have to do this.  I think you should know-“

Sharply, Noah said, “Don’t interrupt me, Luke.  You see, it’s about Dr. Oliver and why he wanted you away from me.  I figured it out.”

“You did?” Luke asked in confusion.  This wasn’t the direction Luke thought Noah had been headed.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me how good-looking he was?  Richard had mentioned it, and then I saw him this morning at the hospital.”

Choosing his words carefully, Luke replied, “It didn’t seem all that relevant.”  Had Noah already figured out what was between Luke and Reid?  Had he invited Luke here today to chew him out?

Noah’s mouth formed a thin line.  “I guess it doesn’t matter.  All the pieces fit, anyway.”

“All what pieces fit?”

“That Dr. Oliver kept you away so that he could have me to himself.”

Luke’s mouth fell open.  For a moment his mind was a total blank.  If Noah had said he was moving to Mars to film alien porn, Luke could not have been more surprised.

“Am I interrupting something?” Reid asked from a few feet away.  Luke looked up to see Reid dressed in his dark blue scrubs.

“Reid, what are you doing here?” Luke asked.

“Mr. Mayer invited me,” Reid replied.  He sat down next to Luke and waved his cup at Henry so he would bring some coffee.

“You?” Luke replied, still bewildered.  “Here? So that he could tell me…” Luke drifted off, rapidly figuring out exactly what Noah had intended.  Somehow Noah thought Reid was interested in him and had decided to announce it in front of Luke.

“I thought it best if we air this out together, Luke.  The three of us,” Noah said cordially.  His earlier hostility toward Luke had conveniently vanished.

Reid was looking at Luke with a quirked brow. “Air what out, exactly?”

Noah smiled at Reid and said in a measured voice, “I know.”

“You know what?” Reid asked with a frown.

Noah kept smiling intently at him.  “Reid, it’s okay.  You don’t have to pretend.  I know.”

“What does he know?” a baffled Reid asked Luke.

“He figured out why you kept me away from him,” Luke said with little of both anger and humiliation in his voice.  He felt mortified that his ex was about to make a move on Reid right in front of him.  Honestly, how could someone who claimed to have ever loved another person do something like this?  Luke thought about all the time he spent worrying about how Noah would react to Luke’s relationship with Reid, and he realized it was a complete fucking waste of time.  He obviously cared a lot more about Noah than Noah did for him, and the knowledge of that made Luke feel a little sick.  Yeah, Noah had treated him badly recently, but Luke had thought that Noah-when it really counted--felt the same way.  To find out otherwise and in this manner was heartbreaking.

“Oh.  Isn’t he supposed to be more upset?” Reid asked, obviously not understanding the depths of Noah’s ego.

“Reid, you don’t have to worry,” Noah said in a soothing tone.  “And you don’t have to play shy anymore.  I brought you here so we could air this all out and get a fresh start.  Luke will understand.  I just wish you’d said something earlier.”  He eyed Reid seductively-or what Luke knew Noah meant to be seductive.  It just came off as more squinting.

“Did I fall off my bed last night and hit my head?” Reid asked, looking aghast.

Noah stated, “If you’re worried about Richard, it’s not that serious.”

“Oh, fuck.” Reid said, having realized Noah was serious.

“Richard and I aren’t having sex; don’t worry.  It’s totally casual.  So, I’m available since I broke up with Luke.”

“You what?” Luke asked.  He couldn’t believe Noah was claiming that he’d been the one to break it off.  Sure, Noah might have forced Luke’s hand, but it had been Luke who’d had the nerve to call it off.

“Luke, you’re interrupting again,” Noah said.

“This is serious?” Reid asked, looking around like he expected someone with a camera to jump out to capture the moment.

Noah smiled as if this conversation were about nothing more extraordinary than the weather.  “Of course, Reid.  I’d like to get to know you better.  I mean, right now, you seem a little awkward, but who knows what we might have in common.  Maybe you’d like to go see some indie films with me-I’ve missed a bunch since the accident.”  Noah made an annoyed face toward Luke, and the blond guessed Noah was stopping himself from using air-quotes around the word, “accident.”

“Why on earth do you think I’m interested in you?” Reid demanded, his jaw set.

Luke thought Reid looked like a ticking time bomb, and for once, Luke wasn’t in the mood to shelter Noah.  He wanted to jump across the table and strangle Noah for being such a heartless and conceited bastard.  That Noah could just sit there so freaking blithely drove Luke berserk.  It seemed impossible for Noah to be so clueless that he was decimating Luke with every word out of his mouth.  Each syllable was uttered without a hint of hesitation or concern for Luke-it was enough to make Luke throw up.

Apparently missing the derision in Reid’s tone, Noah responded, “It’s an old tale: The doctor falling for the patient.  There’s even a Cary Grant movie about this kind of thing.  I’m sure you’d love it-we’ll have to watch it together.  Anyway, you wanted me for yourself, which is why you kept Luke away.  And you’re always much nicer when he’s not around.  And ever since I got out of the hospital, you keep bumping into me.  I think we both know it’s not an accident.”

“Divine retribution, maybe,” Reid muttered.

Unfazed, Noah continued, “And then there’s how you still take an interest in me even though I’m no longer your patient.”

Reid threw his hands in the air.  “It’s called being a decent doctor.  I fixed your eyes; I want to make sure you’re taking care of them.”

“Right,” Noah said with a little smirk.

“So you brought me here, why?” Luke asked angrily.  Honestly, why was he being subjected to this performance?  Not that he wanted Reid to experience it alone, but he couldn’t even begin to grasp why his ex wanted to profess his interest in dating another man in front of him.  Kicks?  Punishment for something?  Did he Luke was such a doormat that he’d do anything Noah would say?

Noah looked annoyed at Luke’s question.  “I told you. I wanted to air this all out so there wouldn’t be any awkwardness.  I know you still have feelings for me, and I know you’re not really seeing anyone, so I didn’t want any of this to be a surprise.  And with the bad blood between you and Reid, I didn’t want this to be a problem.  I did this for your sake, Luke.  And it would be great if you’d be nicer to Reid from now on.”

Luke open and closed his mouth, trying to formulate an answer.  He tried to stick to the facts and not start screaming at Noah for being such a jerk.  “Just to be clear, I broke up with you.  And I am seeing someone.”  At least, Luke hoped he was after this stunt.  Would there ever be a day that Luke’s life didn’t have some stupid drama?

“Really, Luke? Who?” Noah smirked and folded his arms across his chest as if he anticipated a stupid lie.

“Me,” Reid answered.  His tone was severe.

“That’s hilarious, Reid,” Noah said with a laugh and wiped his hand over his eyes.  “I didn’t know you were funny.  See we’re already learning about each other.”  His eyes turned on Luke as he continued, “Like a world-renowned brain surgeon would date Luke Snyder.  He’s always had everything handed to him since he was born, and he has no respect for other people’s wishes.  He wouldn’t stop hovering over me, and he blackmailed you to come to Oakdale.”

“Tell me how you really feel, Noah,” Luke said in a bitter tone.  After everything he’d done to get Noah his sight back, he couldn’t believe that this was what Noah thought of him.  A little bile rose in the back of Luke’s mouth and he determinedly swallowed it down.  He straightened his spine, trying to remember that Reid didn’t see Luke the way Noah did.

Noah rolled his eyes.  “Oh, come off it, Luke.  You know he wouldn’t date you.  The things I said are all true.”

“That touching little speech hit me right here,” Reid said sarcastically as he bounced his fist twice against his heart.  Luke watched as Reid’s face turned darker, “Mr. Mayer, I think you’ve embarrassed yourself enough.  I wouldn’t say one more word to Luke if I were you.”

Noah replied in a lecturing tone, “Reid, I really think you should lay off the joking for the moment.  Luke doesn’t seem to get it.”
Reid spun and looked at Luke. “How long did you date him?” he asked in exasperation.

“A lot longer than I should have,” Luke said in anger, trying not to worry over whether Reid might flee at any moment.  Reid scrutinized Luke for a moment and seemed to see something in Luke’s face that made him even angrier-Luke could tell by the way the doctor’s eyes became a darker blue.

Reid turned back to Noah.  “I thought Hank was the worst thing about living here.  I guess I have to take that back.”

“What do you mean?” Noah asked, finally defensive.

“The dearth of brains in this town never fails to amaze me,” Reid said almost casually and then leaned forward on his elbows.  His following words came out in a rushed low tone: “It means I’m with him.  And before you start yammering again about how that’s just Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, I’d suggest you listen.  I don’t know how you were with Luke for so long and didn’t realize what you’d found.  I’d think you had rocks for brains, but I know that isn’t true since I cracked open your skull.”  Swallowing, he eyed Noah with contempt and pronounced, “But, let me make this clear: Luke is generous, kind, and he fights for those he loves.  And yeah, he doesn’t always play fair, but that just shows how far he’ll go.  He’d have risked anything for you.  And from what I understand, he’s risked quite a lot.  But you treated him like garbage, and when he expressed hurt at that, you took it for manipulation.”

Less angry and with a note of self-recrimination, Reid sat back in his seat continued, “I came out this town thinking he was the spoiled one.  But I was wrong.  It was you.  Always you.  Worrying about yourself, threatening to push him away.  Well,  you succeeded.  And I hope that’s a mistake you one day come to realize because I can’t think of a worse punishment than realizing what you lost in Luke.  Did you ever really love him?”

Noah retorted, “Of course I did!  What we had was special.”

No one evinced self-righteous indignation quite like Noah, Luke thought.

Reid ignored the outburst. “From what I see, you only treated him well if he were quiet and did what you said.  You wanted Luke to fit neatly into some box you had in your mind, and he didn’t, so you punished him.”

“I only ever wanted Luke to be a better person,” Noah argued.

Reid slapped both his hands against the table.  “Well, big news, Mr. Mayer.  I love Luke the way he is.  Exactly how he is.  And if I learned anything from watching Luke all those months with you, Luke’s perfect as he is.  And if he ever changes, so long as he’s happy, that’s perfect, too.”

Luke whipped his head around to look at Reid.  Hope and joy soared in his heart.  He loves me?

“What?” Noah sputtered.

Not finished, Reid said, “Before coming here, I knew exactly who I was supposed to be.  Then the second or third time I laid eyes on him, something shifted, and I knew who I wanted to be--the guy that had him.  And after a while I thought maybe I was even supposed to be the guy for him.  And thank god for sheer idiots such as yourself, because you were dumb enough to let him go.  I won’t.”  He turned and looked at Luke as he said somberly, “I won’t ever.”

Luke could feel the words reverberate down his spine.  “You love me?” Luke queried, stunned.

With a sheepish shrug that Luke found endearing, Reid replied, “Oh.  Yeah.  Guess the cat’s out of the bag.”

Luke started to say, “I just…I never thought someone like you-“

Reid narrowed his eyes at Luke and warned, “If you’re about to feed me some bullshit about how someone like me would never fall for someone like you, I will rip Mr. Mayer’s throat out right here.”

Feeling like he might melt into a puddle, Luke still managed to speak.  “Reid, I know I’m not good enough-“

Taking Luke’s hand and squeezing, Reid said, “Whatever you’re going to say, just stop.  I know exactly who put the idea that you’re somehow not good enough in your head.  And it pisses me off to no end that he hurt you enough to make you think less of yourself.”

“I never made Luke feel like he wasn’t good enough,” Noah said sanctimoniously.

“You’re really going to pretend like the last ten minutes didn’t happen?” Reid scoffed.

“I misspoke.  I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”  Noah looked at Luke pleadingly, but for once, Luke didn’t feel even a trace of sympathy.  He kept his focus on Reid, the man who’d just declared his love in the greatest speech Luke had ever heard.

Reid rolled his eyes at Noah and said, “Cut the goodie two-shoes act. I’ve seen through you for almost as long as I’ve known you.”

Luke put his hand on Reid’s arm to stop him.  He didn’t want to think about Noah anymore.    “Reid, I-I love you, too.”

A flicker of recognition and then warmth burst from Reid’s eyes.  A slow smile crept across Reid’s face, and Luke was grateful he’d been the one to put it there.

The moment would have been perfect but for Noah.  Actually, the moment was perfect.  It was the moment afterwards that was lacking.

“Luke how can you say that after what he’s just said to me?” Noah demanded, intruding on their interlude.

“Noah, really?  After all you’ve said today?” Luke asked heatedly.  He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

Noah implored, “Luke, you know me.  I sometimes say things the wrong way.  But this is us, we’re talking about.  How can you possibly be with someone who talks to me that way?”

Realizing he wasn’t getting out of there until he dealt with Noah, Luke asserted, “There is no ‘us,’ Noah.  There hasn’t been for a long time.  And if you don’t leave now, Reid and I will.”

“People will talk,” Noah warned.  “You getting together with your boyfriend’s doctor…Do you really need more gossip?”

“Oh, no,” Reid gasped, mocking Noah.  “Not gossip!  Golly gee, Mr. Snyder, what shall we ever do?”

“I guess we’ll just have to live it down.”  Luke leaned toward Reid for a slow kiss.  “Yeah, this is going to be tough,” he said with a dramatic sigh and then grinned.  “Shall we go?” he asked without so much as a glance at Noah.

“Seems like a good idea.”  Reid stood up, waited for Luke to pass him, and then turned back to a gob-smacked Noah whose mouth was still hanging open after viewing them kiss.  The older man said, “By the way, thanks for the tempting offer, but I’m taken.”

A/N  Many thanks to lemondrop34 for all her ideas and suggestions!

luke snyder, as the world turns, reid oliver

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