The Perfect Boyfriend, Part Two

Oct 06, 2011 22:00

After getting out of the car at Emma's, Luke whirled on Reid and urged, "Look, if Noah brings up his movie, just don't comment on it."

Reid was confused.  "Didn't it debut at some random festival in Fresno?"

"Yes.  And it did really well in Canada for some reason."

"What was it called?"

Luke drew in a long breath and winced.  "HieroSky: The Lost Innocence of Hemsley-LaPlage."

Following a loud snort, Reid replied, "Sounds pretentious.  Why would anyone watch it in Canada?"

"It got marketed as a comedy."

Well, that explains why I shouldn't talk about it.  He must be a real tool.  Cheerfully, Reid said, "I'm looking forward to meeting him."

Luke decided it was best not to tell Reid about Noah's Northwest Wyoming Film Festival award-winning documentary, "Opossum: O' Maligned Marsupial…"  There had been only one other submission in the documentary category at that festival, and it had been vaguely racist.  He would just hope Noah wouldn't bring it up.

Squaring his shoulders, he grabbed Reid's hand and ushered him through Emma's door.  Luke had a bad feeling about this party.

Having once seen a picture of Noah, Reid easily recognized the tall younger man whom Reid could see was standing in the living room talking to Maddie, who had returned to Oakdale recently.    Physically, Noah had not changed much since the snapshot was taken other than his hair was starting to recede.  He was wearing a blue plaid shirt over the top of a white T-shirt with a brown opossum on it.  Reid thought it was pretty ugly and supposed Luke must agree when he heard his boyfriend groan.

"I thought you said I fixed his vision," Reid commented quietly to Luke.

"You did," Luke replied, not understanding from where Reid's comment was coming.

"Then, why is he squinting?"

"That's just his face!  Now be quiet."

Reid looked around at the rest of the attendees.  It seemed as if all of Oakdale had wanted to come see Noah.  Katie, Henry, anyone with the last name Hughes or Snyder, and some who were unknown to Reid had shown up.  He said hello to a few people and then stealthily made his way over to the buffet.  Emma had outdone herself.  There were mounds of food for Reid to rifle through and select from.  He loaded his plate with deli meats, pie, cheese and cookies.  He skipped the fruit.

Many minutes later, while blissfully eating one of Emma's cookies, Reid noticed someone he didn't recognize talking to Luke.  The man was ridiculously attractive-wheat-blonde hair that swept back to the top of his neck, chiseled features, and a broad-shouldered frame.  His sapphire blue eyes danced as he laughed at something Luke was saying.  The motion only emphasized his muscular torso and arms that were clad in a body-hugging grey tee paired with tight jeans.  The man touched Luke's arm in an affectionate gesture, and an unfamiliar feeling of jealousy stole through Reid.  This stranger oozed charm and charisma from his bright smile, and Reid hated him already.

"Who's that?" Reid asked, grabbing his blonde best friend as she was walking past him.  She always knew everyone in town and any gossip attached to them.

"Well, hello, Reid," Katie said in annoyance, pointedly rubbing her arm where Reid had snagged her.  "Who's who?"

"The guy talking to Luke."

Katie glanced over and broke into a smile.  "Oh, Nathan's here!"

"And Nathan is…"

"He and Luke dated two years ago or so, sometime after the neuro-wing was completed.  It was just for a few months.  I'm sure Luke has mentioned it."

And then it clicked.  Luke had mentioned Nathan.  Reid clearly remembered what Luke had said: "I even dated a guy for a few months-Nathan.  He was really nice and good-looking, really good-looking now that I think about it."

"Really good looking"?  That was about as accurate of a statement as saying that Luke's mom liked to show "a bit" of cleavage.  Nathan was stunning-movie star, Calvin Klein model, stunning.

When Reid said nothing, Katie continued, "I always thought he was the perfect guy.  Smart, nice, handsome, funny, gentle-but-still-manly-"

"Okay, I get it," Reid bit off.  "Perfect"?  We'll see about that.

Ignoring his tone, Katie said, "If he weren't gay, I'd marry him."

Reid raked his gaze over her red dress and heels-no one would ever guess that she had given birth just recently.  Straight-faced, he replied, "You would marry any guy that wasn't gay, so that's not saying a lot."

"Reid!" Katie scolded and playfully punched him in the chest.  "I wouldn't marry you if you were straight."

Reid smiled seductively and said, "Yeah, you would, Princess."

Feeling herself start to succumb to Reid's rarely seen but ever-so-effective charms, Katie said, "Stop that right now, or I’m telling Luke."

Reid rolled his eyes at her before training them back on good ol' Nathan.   He saw Mr. Perfect touch Luke's elbow again.  "That's it.  Party's over, Nate," he mumbled.

"Huh?" Katie asked.  When it was clear Reid wasn't going to answer, she said, "Oh, never mind.  You haven't seen Kim have you?"

Reid rolled his eyes.  "Katie, you can't hide from her forever."

"I can try," she replied with a nervous smile.  "As long as she blames me for Chris's disappearance."

"That's not your fault.  He cheated on you long before he found out that you were carrying that British guy's baby."  Reid kept his eyes on Luke and Nathan as he spoke to Katie.

"Simon is Australian.  I've told you that a thousand times," she admonished.  "Kim thinks that if Bradley had turned out to be Chris's, he would have stayed."  Chris had left for parts unknown about a month ago, shortly after Katie's baby was born.  Reid couldn't have been happier: Not only did he get to go to work without seeing Chris, but he also became director of the neuro-wing because Dr. Regan was promoted to Chief of Staff.

"The woman is clearly a few peas short of a casserole.  Her son is as smart as a stick, so I see where he gets it."

"Reid!  I was married to him for five years."

"Like I said, you'd marry any guy that isn't gay.  Besides, you were clearly overwrought by my disappearance.  And, you can't argue the fact that the man came to my apartment and didn't shut the bathroom door when he was sitting on the toilet.  I saw things, Katie," he said ominously and shivered.  "Bad things."   About a month before Chris left town, he and Katie had come to Luke and Reid's apartment for dinner.  Apparently, the idiot never learned the basic rules of privacy while he was growing up.

He saw Nathan touch Luke again, and he clenched his jaw.  Before Katie could respond with a "Grow up, Reid," he walked off toward Luke.

"Luke!  Who is your friend?"

A vaguely suspicious look crossed Luke's face.   "You never want me to introduce you to my friends."

"Oh, that's not true."  Reid laughed awkwardly, causing Luke to give him a weird look.  "What's  this one's name?" he said with patently false cheer.

"Reid, this is Nathan.  Nathan, Reid."  Luke made the introduction slowly, trying to figure out what was wrong with Reid.

"So, Nate," Reid started to say.

"I prefer Nathan, actually," Nathan said nicely.

Reid ignored him.  "So, Nate, what is it that you do?"  He pretended not to notice Luke squeezing his arm.

"I'm a lawyer."

"Oh, did you go to school with Casey?"

"No, I went to Yale."

"Couldn't get into Harvard?" Reid asked rather gleefully.

Nathan's smile slipped a little. "No, I got in.  Yale's number one and a lot harder to get into.  But, I understand Harvard is really great for medical school."

Trying to diffuse the tension, Luke chimed in, "Reid, Nathan is an immigration attorney.  He works for a big firm in Chicago, but does tons of pro bono work.  Isn't that fantastic?"

"Fantastic," Reid drawled.  "What a swell guy.  I'm glad he's found a way to sleep at night after lining a bunch of rich people's pockets."

"Reid takes on a number of patients who don't have medical insurance," Luke said quickly to Nathan, pretending not to hear Reid's last statement.  "My foundation helps fund it."

"That's great, Luke."  Nathan smiled genuinely, causing Reid to narrow his eyes at him.

"So, Luke told me that you guys used to date while I was…away."  Reid had never settled on what to say about his apparent death and reappearance.  Luke hated it when he referred to himself as having been "dead."  Reid, however, kind of liked silencing people by suggesting that he had once been cold as a cucumber.

Taking Reid's statement as a question, Nathan replied amiably, "Yes, we dated for almost four months.  I always call him the best ex-boyfriend I'll ever have.  In fact, I was just saying…"

Reid interrupted, "How you're planning to move far, far away to, say, Siberia?"

"Reid!" Luke exclaimed, mortified.  He looked like he wanted to strangle Reid, but for a brief moment, he had also looked relieved.
Reid, having seen the relief but not understanding it, responded to Luke's outrage. "What?  I'm sure there's great need there for an immigration attorney."

Just when it looked like Reid had finally managed to bait Nathan into a fight, the conversation was saved by the unexpected arrival of Casey who threw his arm around Reid's shoulders.

"Hi, Luke!  Hi, Nathan!" he greeted cheerfully.  "Reid," he said in a mock-serious tone emphasized by a nod.

Reid awkwardly tried to shrug Casey off as he glared at Luke, blaming him for the unwanted arm draped across him.

Luke returned Reid's glare with a look that said, It's not my fault you're still scared of Casey and won't yell at him like you would anyone else.

Reid gave Luke a look of Well Casey is huge and didn't exactly play nice with me when I came to town.  This was true; Casey had been livid with Reid when Reid had kissed Alec, Reid's boyfriend at the time, in front of Luke at Metro.  The memory was made worse by the fact that Alec turned out to be Damian Grimaldi's psycho eldest son, which meant that Reid had managed to sleep with the two gay Grimaldi brothers.

Luke responded with a stare that meant, It's freaking Casey. He hasn't hit anyone in years, and he's Bob Hughes's grandson for God's sake.

Reid replied with, Being a Hughes doesn't make him ready for sainthood.  Chris ran off with Casey's last girlfriend, and Chris is Bob's son.

Luke came back with, Casey is harmless and is my friend.

Casey, who was toying with his belt buckle and watching the interplay, interrupted and said, "Look Reid, you need to get over being afraid of me.  I haven't hit anyone in years.  But you're right, being a Hughes doesn't mean I'm harmless.  Still, Luke's my friend, and I wouldn't hurt you."

The jaws of both Reid and Luke dropped.  Reid wondered if meteorites hadn't recently landed near Oakdale causing residents to get special powers like mind-reading.

Casey shrugged.  "What?  I understand Reid-and-Luke-face-speak.  Who doesn't?  I've known Luke since we were kids, and his expression gives everything away.  And Reid?  You're not all that tough to figure out either."  He grabbed Nathan's arm and said, "Come on, let's go get some beers.  I've got a great trick I can play with a bottle cap that you should see."

"Maybe Casey isn't so harmless," Luke commented as he watched the pair walk away.

"That did seem…specific, didn't it?" Reid said.

"Forget it.  Let's go talk to Maddie.  We'll talk about Nathan later." Luke clearly hadn't forgotten Reid's attitude toward Nathan and wasn't happy.

"Ooh, goodie."  That remark earned Reid quite a glare from his boyfriend.

The recently divorced Maddie turned out not to be a very good conversationalist that day.   While Luke was getting Reid some food (Luke knew if he let Reid near the food table, he'd never see him again), Reid tried to talk to Maddie.  Unfortunately, she kept staring over at Casey.

Reid, if he had to pick a friend of Luke's that he could tolerate, would generally say Maddie.  She was intelligent and had a sense of humor about Oakdale.  Maddie actually seemed to comprehend the ridiculousness of the town.  Thus, Reid would actually try conversing with her upon occasion.

Finally fed up with watching her, he snapped his fingers in her face a couple of times and said, "Stop mooning over him, and go bat your googly eyes over there next to him.  You're both single."

Maddie's smile was wide.  "Are you playing matchmaker, Dr. Oliver?"

"No, you're annoying me by making cow eyes at that idiot.  I'm trying to get rid of you."

"Cow eyes?" Maddie said, nonplussed.

"Big, brown and round eyes.  It's a compliment."  Reid shooed her off with his hands.  "Just go talk to him.  If it works out, maybe you can put in a good word for me."

Just after  Maddie walked away, the guest of honor bumped into Reid's arm.  Noah, coming into the kitchen, had been trying to get Maddie's attention.    Unfortunately, he stumbled into Reid.  The doctor eyed the plaid shirt and thought the lumberjack look seemed a little too warm for early summer, but who was he to judge?

Noah seemed to settle some inner battle within himself and, finally, said, "Hello, Dr. Oliver."

Reid stood there, stunned, for a moment.  He felt incredible pain slice through his head as Noah's voice echoed in it.  He briefly wondered if this was a typical reaction to Noah's voice, but then, it was as if multiple veils were being lifted in front of Reid's face and he traveled back in time seeing various scenes from his past.  He saw a thousand memories-of Luke, of Noah, of Chris, and the whole crazy town of Oakdale.  He remembered Luke standing at a car grinning, Chris Hughes trying to play golf, telling Noah to use the door, arguing with Luke about Noah's surgery, Luke telling Reid he was still in love with Noah, seeing Noah with some guy that wasn't Luke in Henry's diner, Luke sitting in a hotel with Reid telling him he was gay.  He remembered all the way back to the beginning when he saw Luke Snyder in Memorial waiting on Noah who finally came around the corner with a cane.

Reid slapped his hand to his forehead.  "No.  No.  No way!  I cannot believe that seeing Noah Mayer did this."  A crowd started to form around Reid from the commotion he was making.

"Dr. Oliver, are you okay?" Noah asked, tentatively reaching for Reid's shoulder.

Reid shrugged him off.  "For the love of God, someone hit me on the head.  Maybe I'll go back to the way I was."

"Sit down, Henry," Katie said menacingly as Henry eyed a frying pan.

"Reid, what is wrong with you?  You're acting weird, even for you," Henry said.

"Shut up, Hank."

"You just called me Hank.  Did you…did you just get your memory back?"  Reid had been calling Henry "Al" for the past several months.

"Ridiculously enough, yes.  A hard sneeze would have been better than this."  He waved his hands in Noah's direction.

"What triggered it?" Henry asked, clearly astounded.

"Did you forget to get your brain from the Wizard?  Or did he give you a defective one?" Reid said snidely.  "I'm standing in front of this idiot," he said, pointing at Noah.  "What do you think triggered it?"

"Aren't you glad to have your memories back?" Noah asked.

"Not this way.  Why did it have to be you?" he said bitterly.

"I think you should be grateful to me," Noah replied, folding his arms over his chest.

Luke, having noticed people gathering around Reid, hurried over, concern written on his face.  "Reid, are you okay?  What's going on?"

"Reid, here, got his memories back, Luke.  And he's not happy about it," said Noah spitefully, glaring at Reid the entire time.

"What? Is this true?  You can remember?"  Luke's questions tumbled over each other in his excitement.

Collecting himself, Reid nodded his head and looked briefly at Luke before turning back to Noah.  "Yes, and Mr. Mayer, here, thinks I should be grateful.  In fact, I think we should name our first child after him," Reid drawled out.

"You do?" Noah said, dumfounded.

"Child?" Luke chirped.  He and Reid had never discussed children.

Reid drawled, "Yeah, I rather like the sound of Douche Oliver-Snyder."

"You're an ass, Reid.  You always have been.  I don't know what Luke sees in you," Noah said angrily.

"I'm just like anyone else…only smarter and better looking," Reid deadpanned, smirking just to irritate the filmmaker.

"Do we have to do this?" Luke asked, frustration evident in his voice.  He looked around the room and saw that a circle had formed around the threesome.

"Let's ask the humble barrista his opinion.  He always seems to have such excellent ideas," Reid said sarcastically.

"I cannot believe that Luke has tolerated you this long."  Noah narrowed his already squinting eyes further.

Reid smirked at Noah's scowl.  "Well, as you can see-and you're welcome, by the way, for that-he has.  I'm not going anywhere."

Luke, his anger mounting, said, "Guys, it's been five years.  Let whatever this is go."

Noah said, "I will if he will."

"That's mature," Reid said cuttingly.  "Will we play 'you show me yours, I'll show you mine' next?"

Luke turned to face Reid.  "I'm going outside.  Whenever you decide to grow up and remember what's important, I'll be waiting for you.  I can't believe that this is what you want to do when you just got your memories back."

Reid got a look at Luke's face just as the younger man turned and left.  His heart sank when he saw the expression on Luke's face.  It was the kind of look he'd seen whenever Noah had hurt Luke years ago.  Reid stood momentarily frozen as he watched Luke walk away.  He had never meant to injure Luke; he had just lost his head for a moment.  When the door slammed, Reid shook himself and started moving.

"Luke, wait!" Reid cried.

Holden, who was standing by the backdoor and had witnessed everything, put a hand out to stop Reid.  "Give him a minute, son.  I've seen him like this before, and he needs a minute to cool down."

Reid acknowledged Holden's advice with a nod and turned back around.  Noah had followed him across the room, and Reid nearly collided with the taller man.

"Go away, Mr. Mayer."

Noah peered down at Reid and sneered, "I see nothing has changed, Reid.  You're still all wrong for Luke."

Reid's jaw jutted out slightly.  He couldn't believe Noah wanted to continue their conversation.  "It's amazing that you can tell that from the three minutes we've spent together today."

"What, you're not denying it?"  Noah looked smug.

Looking Noah in the eye, Reid said candidly, "Your opinion really doesn't matter anymore, does it?  I'm not justifying my relationship to you."

Noah snorted.  "You're selfish and calculated.  Luke is going to see that soon."

Calmly, Reid replied, "Maybe he will, Noah.  But what does it matter to you?"

"Luke's my friend.  I told him years ago you were wrong for him.  Maybe today he's going to figure out that I was right."  He folded his arms across his chest, acting as if he could not picture Reid having any possible reply to what he had just said.

Reid's newfound reserve was dwindling fast.  "What?  You don't have a current bedroom partner, so you thought you'd come sniff around Luke again?"

Acting affronted, Noah squawked, "I'm not sniffing around Luke.  I wanted to make sure that he was okay."

"Luke can take care of himself."  Reid knew that Noah never really understood this fact.

Noah leaned forward, merely inches from the doctor's face.  "Not very well where you're concerned."

Rolling his eyes, Reid said, "Your faith in him is overwhelming."

"I care about Luke.  He and I are friends."

Noah appeared sincere, which made Reid wonder if Noah understood what friendship meant. "From what I understand, you two talk maybe once a year.  I think you've only spoken once since I returned."

"It was enough to know that I was right about you."   He seemed to be saying this to the entire room as if he were trying to convince people to side with him.

"Luke said I was an ass to you?"  Reid almost laughed.  He knew Luke would have never said that, especially to Noah.

Noah huffed in annoyance.  "No, of course not.  Luke never admits things like that.  But I could tell by his voice on the phone that I was right."

Reid cocked his head to the side, an idea forming in his mind.  "Is that why you're here?  To prove you're right?"  Of course, it is.  That sounds exactly like Noah.

"No!  I'm here to support Luke."  He responded a little too fast to seem convincing.

"What a good place to support him--at a party thrown in honor of you," Reid said ironically.

"He and I are close."

Reid snorted.  "When was the last time you even saw him?"

"It's been a few years, but I've been busy," Noah replied defensively.

Half a smile played across Reid's face.  "Yes, the schedule of the Canadian Comedy King must be terribly hectic."

"Shut up.  I've won awards for my movies and documentaries," he boasted.

"Really?  What are you working on now?"  It was clear from his voice that Reid wasn't really interested.

Shifting awkwardly on his feet, Noah replied, "Nothing at the moment.  The studio wasn't happy that my documentary wasn't the next March of the Penguins--like I'd want to sell out and make a stupid movie like that."

"What was it about?" Reid asked despite himself.


Reid glanced at Noah's shirt and snorted.  "Ah yes, the noble possum.  I can see where you'd want to keep true to your artistic vision given the gravity of the subject matter."

In the background, Reid could hear Casey muttering something to Maddie about Noah spending a ton of money on high-altitude aerial shots of possums at night.  Reid was almost distracted enough to laugh.  Instead, he said, "So, if you're not busy filming, then I guess you're still wiping down bar counters all the time."

Noah took a step back, clearly uncomfortable but trying to brazen it out.  "Hardly.  I'm the manager now at Cup of Joe's in LA.  Other people do the wiping for me."

"You've really risen high in the world, Mr. Mayer," Reid said with patently false sincerity.

Noah let out a groan.  "God, I hope this is the last time I have to see you."

Reid quirked his eyebrows and replied, "You know, for a guy that was once blind, that might not be the smartest thing you could wish for."

Noah's expression darkened.  "You're an ass," he said, pointing at Reid.  "You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself.  Luke is going to figure that out one day soon, and you'll be all alone."

From behind Noah where Reid could see her, Emma interjected angrily, "I've had enough.  Don't talk like that about Reid in my house, young man."

"Emma?" Noah questioned, thunderstruck.  He couldn't believe that Emma would speak to him that way.

"I've had enough of you two bickering, and if you suggest again that Reid doesn't care about Luke, I want you out of my house."  She pointed her finger at the back door for emphasis.  Reid, who was completely flabbergasted by her defense, thought she looked rather splendid.  The old gal still had a lot of spunk.

"I thought I was family," Noah whined.

Lily, who came to stand next to Emma, chimed in, "You are, but Reid is family, too."  She nodded at Reid, giving him a visible sign of her support.

Noah couldn't believe they were taking Reid's side.  "He doesn't care about Luke."

Lily looked Noah in the eye as she said bluntly, "Noah, that's ridiculous.  He loves Luke, he loves him a hell of a lot more than you ever did."

"That's not true!"  Noah's voice had risen an octave.

Casey, who suddenly appeared next to Reid, interjected, "Dude, that is so true.  You were blind and threw Luke away, acting like he just couldn't understand you even though he had been paralyzed."

Maddie threw in her thoughts, too.  "Yeah, after Noah's dad tried to kill him."

Lily, taking back control of the conversation, said, "Reid saved Luke's life a few months ago.  He went unarmed into a castle to find him even though Luke's brother Alec would likely kill both of them.  I've never seen Reid truly disappoint Luke since."

Noah shook his head.  "I heard about that, and I'm glad Luke is okay.  But, that doesn't mean Reid is right for Luke.  Reid is hard and rude, and Luke is kind and polite."  He held up his hands in a pleading gesture, trying to get anyone to agree with him.

Lily smiled.  "And those things seem to go well together."

Henry, now standing on the other side of Reid, declared, "Besides, I'm not sure Reid is as hard as he pretends.  Don't get me wrong, I don't like Zombie Doc.  But, Luke has changed him.  It's like watching 'Beauty and the Beast,' the cartoon version where the Beast throws snowballs and curls his hair."

"I do not curl my hair," Reid growled.   I'm going to kill Luke after I apologize to him. He said no one could see that snowball fight.

"Huh, that's natural?" Henry said, eyeing Reid's red hair.

Ignoring Henry and Reid, others started to chime in about Reid.  Maddie said, "Have you seen them at parties?  Reid always whispers something in Luke's ear, and they run out holding hands like teenagers.  Does anyone know what he says?"

"I know!" said a gleeful Katie, jumping up and down a little.  "He says, 'Mr. Snyder.'  I overheard it once."

"Awwwwww," proclaimed a room full of people Reid now wished dead.  No one was ever supposed to say "awwww" about Reid Oliver.  He felt sick.  So much for my perfect reputation, he thought glumly.

Casey continued conversationally, "Have you seen how slow Reid drives around town?  You know that has to be about Luke."

Huffing, Henry responded, "That's the only reason I don't blow my horn at him."  He faced Reid to say, "Could you pick it up a little, Doctor?  Some of us have to get places."

Emma, hugging her arms around herself, warmly said, "Luke said that they text each other all the time to make sure the other is okay."

"Awwwww," said the chorus.

Reid said to no one in particular, "This is hell, right?  A big red guy with a forked tail is going to walk through that door."  He could not believe how much people knew about him.  He wondered if the nurses at the hospital really cried when he yelled at them or if they were just humoring him to make him feel good about himself.

Everyone ignored Reid.

"Have you seen them at the farmers market together?  I saw Reid give Luke a bite of his cake once.  You know that's love," said Katie.

Noah, clearly bewildered by this conversation and fed up with it (a feeling Reid actually shared), tried to steer the conversation back to Luke.  "Guys, he's still wrong for Luke.

Katie, frowning, said in a sarcastic voice Reid almost felt proud of, "Do you have hearing problems now?  He is exactly right for Luke."

Noah, not recognizing his defeat, replied, "Reid stole my boyfriend and is a cold, selfish jerk.  Luke is better off without him."

Emma walked over to Noah and calmly stated, "It's time for you to leave, Noah, before I say something to you I might regret."

"Emma!  It's my party."  Shock was etched across Noah's usually inscrutable features.

Emma replied, "And it's my house.  Come back when you can be civil."

Outraged, Noah asked, "Why doesn't he have to be civil?"

Emma closed her eyes and finally responded in annoyance, "Because he takes care of Luke when it counts and loves him no matter what.  You claim we're family when it's convenient for you.  I haven't seen you in two years.  And you claim to care for Luke when it's convenient for you.  Reid isn't like that.  Reid loves Luke unconditionally, so he is unconditionally welcome here."
Noah pushed his way past Reid and headed toward the door, obviously planning to make a grand exit.  Reid said to him as he passed,

"Awww, and you got all gussied up for nothing.  What a bummer."

"Don't push it, Reid," Emma deadpanned.

After the door closed, Reid looked around the room and at the people who had just defended him while at the same time completely destroying his pride.  He was stunned by what had happened and had an inclination to say, "Thank you."   Instead, Reid decided to say what he should have said minutes ago, "While this has been really fascinating, may I take the one scrap of pride I have left and go to Luke?"

Emma smiled and said, "Yes, yes.  Get going, young man."  Holden held the door open for him.  Reid sprinted out of it, not caring whether it looked like he was running scared.  He apparently had no secrets from anyone anyways.

Next Part (sorry, ran out of space)

lure, as the world turns, the perfect boyfriend

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