fb rec for the week of 6/8

Jun 12, 2015 12:02

It's Fabulous Fic Friday! Today's admin rec is for Beautiful by quaffswinegaily. Nagandsev says, "Quaffswinegaily has given such a lovely story about Draco in this one shot. She pulls the reader back and forth with the bittersweet poignancy depicting his Pureblood surroundings and expectations against his inner sensitive and being. Love how Lucius and Narcissa's acceptance and support of him throughout the different times of his life is written and, whether people like it or not, even their ability to, need and expression for loving - the universal needs. even in the Malfoys... Uplifting ending in this beautiful, lovely work!" Read it at: http://www.thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=20650&i=1


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