And the more useful/fun stuff

Nov 04, 2008 00:25

Right, so, onto the vids and images and such.

But first, for those of you voting in the US tomorrow, you might want to check heidi8's excellent post, which happens to contain something I was already planning on posting (it's just that good!):

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Oh, and if you're interested in finding out if there's still anything in your neck of the woods you can do for the Obama-Biden campaign, here's where you want to head to, if you haven't already.

If you're looking for a motivation to vote Obama (or more to the point in this case, vote against McCain), this makes a pretty damned good case. As, for that matter (and in a slightly funnier & less immediately less terrifying way) does

As for partial commentary on the race up to this point, well,

And because I simply can't resist seriously weirding you all out (oh, how you must have missed me!):

Basically, a pretty accurate pictoral summation of the campaign IMHO. Plus, Either McCain's auditioning for a part in Nosferatu or looking to become a member of KISS... or perhaps we're seeing a resurgence of the lost art of Kommodo-Dragon!campaigning

On a more professional (not to mention serious) front, there's Ben Sargent's excellent commentary on the Hate-Talk Express :

As for more uplifting stuff, well, there's

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Sadly, however, as many of you will have heard, Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, has passed away today at the age of 86. It's a truly god-awful piece of timing, but I'm sure she was damned proud of her son today and I'd imagine pretty much every day of his life. Here's hoping that if by some chance there is an afterlife, she'll be darned happy tomorrow.
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