Oct 09, 2009 08:31
I thank everyone who told me about the stairs to the dorms. It's been a long time since I read the earlier books, since I assume it's a great joke among the older boys to tell the younger to go on up and see the girls and watch them slide back down.
I can't help but wonder, though, how many times over the centuries that the founders' belief that girls were more 'trustworthy' than boys has proven to be misplaced when a lonely/desperate/lovestruck/horny/*add your adjective here* young witch made her way up the boys' staircase in the middle of the night to be with her lover.
And since Slytherin and Hufflepuff are subterranean and seemingly all more or less on one level, I would assume that there would be some sort of anti-wizard spell on the doorway to the witches dorms.
Then again, maybe it was only the Gryffindor wizards who were mistrusted by the founders? You know, hot-blooded, courageous, disrespect for rules and all that macho stuff? Perhaps they figured Ravenclaws were too intelligent, Hufflepuffs too stolid (i.e., boring) and Slytherins too suspicious of what else a witch would want from them after making love, to worry about restricting access to the girls' dorms.
And if the stair spell was the only spell restricting access by males to the females' rooms, then what would stop a good flier like Harry from flying up to a dorm window and making his way through it to Ginny's/Hermione's/Parvati's/Luna's/*add your favorite partner here* bed?
Now, there would be a problem with getting to Hufflepuff and Slytherin witches since they live underground. I think I would rapidly go insane with nothing but stone walls to look at in my room, so I'm guessing that the underground rooms had a 'magical' window that allowed the tenants to have a scene of the outdoors 'projected' onto them somehow.
Well, lots of plot bunnies here, I hope.
Again, thanks to everyone for setting me straight.