Help and spread the word

May 04, 2008 10:14

Alright guys,

I finally got the fire under my ass after I walked out (during my shift) from Juliano's Friday. It was completely warranted and I could have his ass sued if I choose to go that far, but I don't. The asshole threw a telephone at my head after I accidentally interrupted the argument he and his ex-girlfriend/business partner were having IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RESTAURANT. This is through a serious of freak out attacks on me and all the other employees during the week. Obviously it's not personal with me or any of the other employees, but it was high time someone stepped up to him. So, I said, you know what Juliano, figure out this customer service thing on your own because I'm out of here. I was the only waitress (and i would have never done this if we were busy but I had one table) and I left, with he and Ari having to wait tables until the hostess came back from her errand. I'm not one to overreact. But I also have a very strong personality and let's face what I want. Courtney and I were talking and we can't figure out who's had more jobs....she or I. ha, probably her but I'm coming up close.

Having had all of this occur this week I wanted to use this as motivation to get my health counseling and packaged food business going at full speed. I might have a new client (and claire, don't you say a word because of privacy issues) that would really boost my career. Basically, all this flowery talk leads up to this.......

I need people to help me on a little experiment. Some of you may know that I'm working on a Life Food cookbook. I want to differentiate my book from others because I feel like very few raw food chefs bring up the issue of how you FEEL when you detox and also the proper ways of detoxing so your body doesn't go in to emotional shock. This food can change your constitution drastically. It did to me. All for the better of course helping me have more energy, more youthfulness in my skin, see better, improve relationships, open my heart, become more compassionate, develop more synchronicity, dissolve mental fog and basically cut all the bullshit out of my life....which is the best part. But, in the beginning I was crying at random times, feeling like I did tons of coke, extremely happy one minute and inexplicably anxious the next. That was my major issues in detoxing. I did it the WRONG way. The only reason I was so successful with this is because my intentions were greater than the physical effects it was having on my body. But most people, would not have continued if they felt the way I did.

So, I'm going to start a new blog, probably on blogspot where I want a group of individuals to help me in doing a case study. I want to observe the mental and emotional effects of a raw (life) food diet. I'm not asking all people to go 100%(because dayyyum, i even enjoy a nice piece of bread or some cooked vegetables now and again). But I will do something like 60%cooked/40%raw one week 50%cooked/50%raw and so on. I will provide recipes that will be best suited for this and I NEED commentary on how one feels every couple days.

Please let me know if you're interested. Spread the word to your pals and please think about the good you will be doing in helping me achieve this goal of publishing my first cookbook!
I'll update with the blogspot site once I get it up and going and in the meantime please email me at for any questions

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