The little bitch, it went and it told a LIE!

Sep 18, 2008 15:29

"youve got to love people that are never happy unless theyre breaking up other people's relationships.

if my friend wasnt so devestated over this, id actually find it hilarious because it finally showed its true colours :)

and now everyone i know is laughing and talking about her. entertaining"

Yeah in fact this person here you gotta love. You gotta love how they think they know everything and they love making up crap so they have something to tell people.

The friend here is just as bad. It aint devoed coz it also caused a lot of their own problems.
Who doesn't get the hint of being dumped for a month ?!
Who gets raped, lies about knowing them, then says they love them and then still doesn't get it ?! Who tells someone to fuck off when they try to be friends and then keeps contacting them about crap they don't care about ?!
Crazy..may be..

Makes me laugh when they think they have me all worked out. Think they know who I am, what I've done, etc, etc when they can't even keep track of their own lives and sad lil lies...

Funny how you do or say something your in the wrong and if you don't say or do any thing wrong your still in the wrong..

Have a good day or live which ever ends quicker and know that you are barking up the wrong tree sunshines :D
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