Feb 09, 2006 00:31
*bats eyelids and glances up at icon* I haven't messed around with graphics for ages. I've been fiddling about with some over the past quarter of an hour, and a few worked out; although the above is just copied straight from another image I made up ages ago. Two steps forward, one step back...
I am so tired. The last few days I've been out and about - today was a doctors visit to pick up a sick line, so hopefully that should all be in order for getting my benefits back in order. I have to send that off over the next few days. The day before was a visit to this new chronic fatigue specialist that's around these days; it was a helpful visit in the fact that it reminded me that all the crazy things going on (weird concentration, memory & sleep problems etc) are really down to the fatigue, so that gets a few things into perspective. It always feels awkward at these things, because I never have questions to ask as I already know/do a lot of the recommended activities (diet, build up exercise etc), you end up feeling like you should play the unknowledgable patient. Err. Anyway, since I'm new to seeing him, I'm still mid-assesment, so I have the second part of that in a months time (a month? pfft, a bit long, but anyway.) We'll see what comes of it. As I said, it's helpful to have something in place if I do have queries and need help to find out what services are available to me etc. But it feels a lot like it's mostly just playing the game, so the conventional world sees me doing something in a conventional way.
Saying that, I need to contact Roberta again (my reflexologist, reiki healer extraordinaire - that's so much more the level I work at, heh) & set up an appointment. Following that realm of thought, I've finally got some structure back into my yoga practice, which is seemingly doing the trick.
Oh, I'm forgetting the major uproar at the moment. On Monday I awoke to hear saws gearing up for action, only to look outside (finally, after it keeping me awake for ages) to see what was going on, as it seemed really close. They were cutting down the hedgerow down the front of my house (on the otherside of the road, which is mostly a verge, which seperates us from the houses that run along the street below - we're on a hill, so most roads are only lined with houses on one side, if that makes sense), anyway, after that interrupting my sleep for a good while, I got up to realise that they'd cut down not only a bit of the hedge (which I'd assumed they were trimming) but in fact the entire hedge, and a few fairly hefty trees to boot! 'What the bloody hell!' think I, turns out, after a few conversations over the past few days my dad & I have had with the workmen over there, that the house in front decided to cut down the hedgerow (which runs along our entire road, looking beautiful and filled with wildlife) with the plan to put up an 8ft high fence, which they will paint green. *excuse me, wtf?* You replace a piece of natural hedge with a fake version?
It's the fact that they slaughtered perfectly lovely trees that gets me. *seethes* So, turns out my dad thought that part of that land technically belonged to the railway (it's where the old track used to run along) so he's now phoned up the council to find out what's going on. It'll probably be our luck that the house in front purchased the land from the railway and they can do what they like with it (I should mention, it's a new house itself, only been there a few years, so when the plans came through for our approval of it as neighbours, the railway land was marked out as not belonging to them.) Hmm. Although if they indeed plan on putting up a fence that high they might need planning permission, of which we were never notified of. It's all very vexing. Why do people seem to think removing greenary and replacing it with building works is a good thing? And why do people do something so drastic without even informing their neighbours? Surely it's common courtesy?
A weird thing though that happened on my day of disturbed sleep - I ended up having a dream where a gas/electric man came to the house to check the meter, and that very day a guy came round to check the electric meter. *twilight zone theme ensues*
Hmm, that was about three times the length I was expecting. I really must to bed.