
Feb 03, 2006 23:26

I've been tagged by moxilicious *

In your LJ, list seven songs you are into right now; no matter the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good. They must be songs you're really enjoying this week. When you're done, tag seven people on your friends list to see what they're listening to.

*(who I'm just about to send a mix CD to, so the list below is not a completely true representation of what I'm loving this week, as half the stuff is on that CD & I don't want to give out doubles, plus no doubt some stuff on there will end up on other people's mix CDs in the future. ;p Anyway! This is more like favourites of recent times/what I've dloaded today.)

(01) The Detroit Cobras - Hittin' On Nothing
(02) Emerald Rose - Merry May Folk
(03) Mareko - Stop, Drop & Roll
(04) AC/DC - Back In Black
(05) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Me Ol' Bam-Boo
(06) Forbidden Broadway - Stop Cats! (a Chorus Cat) ~this is perfection!
(07) Girls Aloud - Sound Of The Underground

Some of these might be .m4a ... I wasn't totally paying attention as I uploaded. Ah well, it'll tell you when you click on the link.

I tag:
*shrug* anyone who wants feels like it. :)
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