
Jul 29, 2005 16:35

haven't updated in a while. a lot of shitty things have been happening and some good things as well. i've gone surfing with my brother two days this week and its been fun. i wish i could be a pro surfer and i would be happy doing that for the rest of my life. Shady people, that pisses me off so fucking much. They don't call you at all and thats wicked shitty. I will be joining the marines and i hope to get stationed anywhere in california cuz i hear california is a wicked cool place. I hate working at filene's for the only reason that i am on an on-call program which sucks a lot but now when i go to work i am not even going to bother shaving fuck it. they lied to me when i had my interview about being hired as full time and that pissed me off a lot. well i'll probably end up setting filene's or something big on fire before i leave sept 12th for the marines. my dad got back from peru last saturday and since then my summer hasn't been going good and it has just been going extremely fucking boring. today my stepmom and stepsis are coming home from peru, great just wat i needed. well i hope everyone is having a better summer than me doing something productive in a way or just enjoying life. No more partying for me, just working whenever filene's fucking needs me. I might buy tickets to 311 and hope to see who would wanna go with me. warped tour i prob won't be going since the fact that my shitty car in which i've wasted about $1000 on getting it fixed within a 2 month still has problems just my luck. i fucking wanna set it on fire and make it die and then i won't have no car and life will be great. sorry if i am sounding annoying but i've just been going through a shitty phase this whole month. something always has to go wrong and piss me off and put in a bad state of mind.
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