So went out for yakiniku to celebrate Andrea, the other ALT here in Haibara, turning 24 just yesterday. Talking about with the others, I was reminded of the JLPT and realized that I had wanted to take it and in fact still do. That said, it's also a great focus for Japanese study that I've been putting off for the past few months. I've decided to try and study for the lvl1 test as a result. Even if I'm not ready for lvl 1, I'll definitely be good for lvl 2, and it's a great motivator. Plus, before I wanted to get started, but at the same time was unsure about a good way to start studying. Now I have a clear way to study and I will get to working through those JLPT kanji lists asap! In fact tomorrow if I can!!!
I'm so excited about it. For one thing, it's nice to do something academic in my free time, and thinking about how fulfilling it will be to be able to read books... newspapers... it's really about time I stopped half assing with this and putting my language skills to the test! If I work hard at it, I'll definitely succeed! And then just imagine how much easier translating anime and manga will become as well. Plus just this getting into a habit of studying will help me with my horrible time management issues, and hopefully get me started on other things I"ve been putting off adding into my routine. There are just pluses all over the place.
So! Goals for my stay in Japan: Study and Pass JLPT 1( or 2), exercise! (so I can indulge in cute jp fashion), and ... I also kinda wanna learn classic japanese... I dont know it's rather fascinating <<;;
Aside from that, I suppose I should be figuring out my future... or more like trying to decide whether or not Law school is for me... though at the same time I guess If I want something bad enough, I should just do it and not worry so much about if it's possible. Not to sound immodest or anything, but I'm smart enough that if I work hard, I can do it. I know this. I just dont have a lot of confidence in following through. I've sadly been a slacker for a lot of my academic career and it's something that's always bothered me. Like, "if only I studied harder" or "I know I can get an A" and just... don't. So yeah... time to work on my work ethic!
Just wonder if I'll have time to do both LSAT and JLPT studies... well we'll see. I feel so fired up and happy that I have some direction now! I guess it seems like small fries but somehow I feel very refreshed.
I want to feel good about myself.
Oh random note. Goals aside, I never made a new years resolution, so thinking about it today, I've decided on this.
Leanne's New Years Resolution: To be able to do the splits within the year (actually within a few months would be better, but lets not get people's hopes up lolz)
[edit] oh yeah! Like
Splash, I too have cleared out my art commissions queue, and for the first time in ages am working on an original art piece for myself... I'm really excited and feel like my skills have really improved, but yeah... Anyway, if anyone's curious, head on over to the
PMS oekaki to take a look at my WIP. I would love any praise feedback you could throw my way X3