Thanks to Dave for showing me this silly little quiz.
It's been an incredibly busy week by far: taught lecture to 70 students on Monday, got harassed by the Ed department at HCA--then by my boss/manager who made a typically lame excuse to brush off her responsibilities, and ran around like a headless chicken with my clinical students on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am proud of my clinical students because they really learned how to manage several heavy duty patients this week. One is beginning to worry me. She seems to hide for most of the day, rarely asks questions and hasn't done well on her care maps. When I followed her Wednesday to observe her perform glucose testing on one of her clients, she seemed too unprepared with her materials and her technique that even the patient picked up on it and asked her to leave. She tried to draw blood from the man's callused fingers, among other things. My internal urge was to save this student from failing, but she doesn't seem to get it that she is on the verge of receiving an unsatisfactory grade. What's more frustrating is that she won't even ask for help, whereas the other students are nearly bombarding me with questions. She got one more week, then two more papers due, to pull her performance up. It's just heartbreaking.
I had a lovely walk around Lake Ella with Beau. I have some amusing photos I'll post a little later. Today was really a nice reprieve from the frenetic, mind numbing drill I've been handed the last few weeks. Beau and I investigated a new store, Fresh Market, which has a nice variety of foodstuffs for both the frugal and the extravagant patrons in mind. *Sigh* The brick mint, which I haven't found or experienced in 20 years, was a very happy find. They had Peet's coffee, but none of Peet's teas. Guess I'll either have to travel back to Cincinnati, or go online.
Haven't slept much tonight, just doozed on and off. I am sleepy, but my heart beat feels real tachy, like I should be excited or something. Odd.