The week in review

Mar 15, 2008 05:07

Wednesday Night

This week has been a hectic week, but today was super nuts!

It all started when Abbie spiked a sudden high fever this evening. She was very tired, but she played all day. I first noticed something unusual when her cheeks looked rosier than usual. Her cheeks were incredibly warm. At first I thought I my hands were too warm, but then Beau came over and noticed she was feeling hot. When the thermometer started climbing above 102.7 axillary, I didn’t wait for it to stop. I started drawing up tepid water bath. Normally, L’il Barda loves baths, but tonight she keened like a banshee. After a bit of Tylenol, Jell-O and cool fluids, she’s cooled down and is acting more like her normal self.

When I rushed over to the local Publix to stock up on some Jell-O, my car decided to act wonky. Now I’m facing another huge bill. Although I’m paid reasonable well at my job, between the emergency trip to Orlando, the time I had to take off (without pay) to take care of my Uncle Rhab, ordering the replacement part for my sleeper sofa, and my nurse license renewal, I took a pretty big hit bill-wise this month. *Sigh* I’m not complaining, but it just seems things like these always come in large, unexpected batches.

So when I finally arrive to Publix, just before closing, a little old lady decides to hold up the sole checkout line by swiping her credit card several times the wrong way. The computer processing the transaction decides to stall, and then the lady doesn’t know how to sign the credit card pad, so the clerk tries to help her. I must admit molar dust was flying out of my mouth with each delay and obstacle.

Although I prayed and meditated especially today, I still do not think I was totally prepared for all this, and probably should have not been so busy earlier today before all these occurrences. Then again, adversity took advantage of the situation to shake my confidence in God, but the old bugger hasn’t. So there.

Otherwise, things have been great. Next Monday, Beau’s parents are coming down from NJ to visit. I really haven’t had time to clean up the house, and I really have reservations about having visitors’ coming over when it look like those tornadoes last week came through our house and yard. Thankfully, we were spared the worst of the bad weather, but it’s been extremely challenging to pick up limb debris and mow the lawn when we’ve been working odd hours, not to mention juggling care of a very active 21 month old.

For a toddler, Abu’s really has an extremely great appetite! She still loves veggies and fruits, but doesn’t like sweet stuff at all. She started mastering the fork. I’ve been dicing up hard cheeses and organic Fiji apples for her to practice on. She loves them! My little fork master. J

She’s also learned to share things (toys, binkies and sippie cups) with children and adults. She also has a very loving personality: she loves group hugs and now will sometimes shake people’s hands. This seems to be of innate things more than anything we have taught Abbie. I am so proud of her!

You can now add Ni-hao, Kailan to Abbie’s list of favorite programs. I have to admit I enjoy it too. It seems to remain faithful to Chinese culture, and we’ve all learned a little Chinese. Between the Old High German (a la NaNa), Spanish (habló español hasta era una niñita) French and now Chinese, my daughter should be way ahead of the foreign language learning curve than most children her age. She can even count to two on her own, but needs a little help with 3 and 4.

Why is it that evil people seem to get away with doing bad things to very nice people? I have observed that people like Doug & Laura, Tom and Roger seem to gravitate towards nice people who won’t defend themselves when these types of jerks take advantage of the kindness of others. It seems even crueler when it’s family or someone you really care about.

Early Saturday morning

Abbie’s still sick, and I haven’t slept well since this all started. She hasn’t run as high a fever since that first night, but it’s been rough. Today, trying to keep food and liquids down her has really been a challenge. Everything seems to get ten times worse around 4pm, which probably means she has a bear of a virus.

To top it off, I’ve got nothing done around the house. I really dread Monday.

Every bone in my body feels like a QB who forgot to wear his protective pads on game day. Since my other co-workers have developed similar ailments, and they seem to go away when we’ve been away from the family unit, Sabrina, Shaquila, Jeanie and I are starting to believe there’s something at the nursing station that’s making us all so sick. Dust mites in the carpet or upholstery?
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