Jul 06, 2005 17:58
The highlight of my July 4th holiday weekend: being told that I moisturize too much. Apparently my hands are too delicate and soft. So much for going after the macho-gay thing. Don't blame me for loving all my Bath & Body Works stuff. Actually, you're guilty of introducing me to B&BW, Lauren!
The other highlight of my weekend was, of course, the mini-excursion of Newport. The tide pool was a bit of an adventure, but it was greatly amusing. Making fun of the locals was also a pastime we all enjoyed all too much. Throw four bitter bitches together, and you get lots of catty-ness. I'm afraid the poor straight men (all but two) in the group were a little overwhelmed by us.
My sight is rapidly deteriorating, being constantly exposed to such hideousness that is Eugene and its citizens during warmer weather. Shameless display of skin is a privilege only reserved for the few. But then again, if it weren't for those fat, flabby people, I'd have nobody to point and laugh at. Such a quandary I must struggle with.