(no subject)

Sep 16, 2007 00:16

That episode of "Mad Men" still gives me the wigs, even now.

The ad exec says, "Do you want to know why you've never felt that feeling you're describing as love? Why you've never felt that lightning bolt to the chest? Why you've never spent every waking minute thinking about that certain someone? Because that feeling doesn't exist. That feeling was made up, by men like me, to sell you pantyhose."

I'm not sure. Love might be a creation of Madison Ave.

I'll be the first to admit it, if it is an illusion as fake as Brittany Spears drinking a Pepsi, I've been sold on it. I'll watch any movie and read any book that tells me there's such a thing as all consuming love. I don't really need to admit it, just about everyone I know has caught me secretly watching cheap romantic comedies.

I wonder, are the people writing these stories of great and tragic loves manipulating me for their benefit, or have they too been drawn into this grand illusion? Are they as unaware of the lie as I am? If that's the case, should I share in this pleasant simulacrum with them?

I think that like so many other things in my life, I prefer to live futilely hoping for this fantasy, rather than being resigned to the common.

I like being the underdog. These people who've taken my 9 dollars at the ticket booth are welcome to it, they've given me more than they think. One more thing to try to beat the odds at. If I do, if any single person does, then they've all lost. Or at least one of us has won way more they have.

Wouldn't it be great if it turns out that some creative director somewhere who plies this notion actually ends up reifying it? For myself or for any of us.

Also it was pretty cool when he said, "No. A marketing genius is the guy who came up with 99 cents. You're no genius."
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