Did I end up by forgetting to make a story cards post on LJ/DW? Yes, yes I suppose I did.
Comments are screened. Input your address if you would like a holiday card from me. (This is an essential step this year because my laptop got stolen a couple of months ago and so I don't have an address list anymore -- I can find some addresses in my email, but I don't have the list of people I usually send to.)
Also input a prompt if you would like a story with that card! I can't promise everything but at least this year I promise not to do that thing where I end up not sending the card because I got stuck on the story. Because I am An Grownup And Stuff.
If you already sent me something via Tumblr you can ignore this one, unless of course you've changed your mind and want something different. XD
I have figured out how to add the footer on a crosspost! Go me! /rollsalot (Original post is here: