Weekly read/watch meme

May 31, 2013 12:28

Skipped a week because there really isn't all that much reading/watching going on. I'm either working, running condo-related errands, or at MUTEK. I carry a few comics in my bag so I have something to do during intermissions and subway rides, but that's it. (And even then I mostly play Candy Crush or Blendoku. XD;)

Books bought:

* I-Ching: nice big bound edition, $5.
* Fodor's Guide to Greece: vacation planning.
* C.P. Cavafy: Collected Poems (Daniel Mendelsohn): if you want your Cavafy with 300 whopping pages of historical notes on dudes like Julian the Apostate, this is the edition for you. The translation strikes me as felicitous, though my sense is that modern English is one of the better languages for re-rendering Greek poetry anyway. Of course, we're still within the same constellation (i.e. Carson, Yourcenar, Borges... E.M. Forster appears in the margins. I should get back to A Great Unrecorded History; sort of wandered away from it a third of the way through, way back when, but it's good to read the occasional biography about someone who was truly nice and liked).


Hawkeye #7-10: oh, Clint. It's like watching someone poke himself in the eye.
Secret Avengers #1-2: the concept is so Not Okay, it's great.
New Avengers #6: ditto, except these guys keep waffling over it.
Iron Man... whatever: I reluctantly very much like how this series has gone off in a total shaggy-dog direction, eg. Howard and Maria Stark pull a Ocean's Eleven style heist on Nevada's population of greys (who run a casino, because seriously, what else do you do in Nevada).

Plus all the loose-change stuff. A STID tie-in and a couple of A+Xes and Nova and an Occupy Movement comic involving Alan Moore, and Sherlock Holmes and Deadpool trying to kill each other. (Though actually, "Deadpool kills everything" is not an inherently funny concept that you can build a storyline around. I can see how the proof needs to come about in practice, though, considering how much mileage they squeezed out of concepts such as "Deadpool enjoys chimichangas".)


Watched a few more eps of JoJo. Am up to 15 now, I think?

I downloaded a couple of eps of Hannibal because the Tumblr flotsam itself was giving me weird dreams, and anyway it's been renewed so I figured I may as well just watch it. XD; Haven't had time, of course. If/when I do I'll write it up with Matthew Herbert's One Pig performance at MUTEK (in short: a sound collage composed/abstracted from a pig's life/death. At times quite disturbing. One of the live miked inputs was a chef cooking a complex pork-based dish onstage. I am not sure what it was exactly, but it smelled delicious. XD;;).

The more I thought about Star Trek Into Darkness, the more it seemed like one of those "Yes, but it would be a grillion times better if you did X instead" movies. Luckily, ladysisyphus wrote it up in exhaustive detail so I don't have to. (Great minds think alike?)

Mostly, they should get someone other than JJ to direct, though that is probably inevitable now anyway. Given that they're going to make these, they should've made this one two years ago.

I have figured out how to add the footer on a crosspost! Go me! /rollsalot (Original post is here: http://petronia.dreamwidth.org/54836.html)

trek, comics and manga, books, marvel, poetry

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