Came home from Igloofest in the small hours of Saturday, emptied out the pockets of my coat, dropped a twoonie coin on the floor, lunged to grab it before it rolled under the oven, and somehow slipped and totally destroyed my left little toe.
As in, the nail bled heavily all around, and it was obvious bruised. Ran it under the bathroom tap until it stopped bleeding, wrapped some gauze around it (I stocked up on ten kinds of first aid bandages after December's oyster knife incident: A WISE DECISION), propped that foot up and went to sleep. It was still painful by 10am the next morning, so called 811, was triaged over the phone by a nurse, and advised to take it into a local clinic.
(Why do I always assume the healthcare system is going to work badly? Customer experience hangover from the bad old Nineties, no doubt. It was actually easier, I think, for the fact that I now live in a "poorer" neighbourhood with an abundance of walk-in clinics, instead of a neighbourhood where everyone is presumed to be a senior citizen with a family doctor and two cars per household. Did have the car for the week, thank goodness, since I could barely cram that foot into my most accommodating boot. Another small mercy: we're having a midwinter thaw. The first clinic two blocks away was full, so went to the one five minutes' drive away, which was empty except for a janitor who'd sprained an ankle getting to a faulty alarm system in the basement, and another fella who'd slipped on the ice. The Case of the Three Left Feet. Was out by 1:30pm, and by far the hardest aspect was dragging myself back to the familial home to retrieve my medicare card so I didn't have to pay for anything. And a pair of Crocs.)
Long story short: doc taped it up in 15 seconds and dismissed me without an x-ray, as "it's probably broken but treatment is six weeks of taping regardless." I'm meant to stay off it, of course. I'm not cancelling Chicago as there's hardly any point - everything's prepaid and non-refundable XD; - but it'll be less of a walking holiday than I envisioned, aha. As for the rest of my schedule I'll take it as it comes. It's stopped hurting (much) and I can limp around without too much difficulty, and if it were July I would have zero compunction about taking the train to Ottawa, interviewing Bell higher-ups, etc. in my raging eccentric fashion statement yellow Crocs; but it is not July, and once it freezes and starts snowing again my outdoors mobility is done unless I can get my damned foot back into my damned boot. Still, if I have to pick three weeks out of the year to work from home and do nothing else but read John Le Carre novels, the wasteland between the end of Igloofest and my birthday is the easiest writeoff.
I have figured out how to add the footer on a crosspost! Go me! /rollsalot (Original post is here: