The JoJo fic I received is by Umbralpilot on AO3, who may or may not be
umbralpilot on LJ? I think? XD Either way, thank you so much again!
The one I wrote:
This Means War by
Petronia for
The Three Musketeers (2011)Characters: the usual gang, plus Lord De Winter (mortal husk thereof) and some srs bzns discussion of Date Masamune (who remains offscreen)
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Teen And Up, but if Spielberg!Tintin's comedy alcoholism and gun-handling was okay for General audiences then this probably is too
Wordcount: 4584 words
I very deliberately did not re-read the novel before writing this. XD; What I did do was drink some delicious
Three Musketeers weizenbock and make a perspective drawing on my IKEA whiteboard of ground-to-air missile defenses around the fortifications of La Rochelle, which was a big hit at my Christmas party.
The giftee would have liked something sexier, methinks, but I found I couldn't quite do it with this fandom; all I had were decades of accumulated Feelings(tm) about Milady. XD;
hauntologie is That Person Who Wrote The GunPr0n in XM:FC, though, and I loved
the fic in question, so there is a little bit of that.
I have figured out how to add the footer on a crosspost! Go me! /rollsalot (Original post is here: