Rewatching the X-Men movies

Aug 19, 2011 13:11

(I opened up this entry window then stared at it for a while as had forgotten what I was going to write about. XD;;)

* Still really love Rogue in this. (I pretty much only remember the Rogue parts from X1, which I watched once on its original theatre run.) Jean is even more boring than I remember, but for some odd reason I like Scott better now - I think this is one of those IRL things where your reaction to various personalities shift as you get older and learn to deal with ppl differently. Or maybe I just have more context for the characters.

* Logan continues to be Logan. I sometimes think I like Logan because he's hilarious in that Leacockian way that all legendarily Canadian things must be, like poutine or Timmy Hos or the hockey mullet. Only much less East Coast than those three.

* Wow there is really not much effort toward continuity happening here.

* Something something evolving CG effects, I don't tend to rewatch action movies of the late 90s and early 00s, something

* Storm kind of sucks in this. I know Halle Berry can act so idek. It's weird how XM:FC does exactly the same thing i.e. one well-developed teenaged female character (Rogue/Raven), one who is older and boring (Jean/Moira), one who is terrible for no good reason (Storm/Emma). Mystique holds the Riptide slot of "cool henchperson who has no lines because we cast an actor with a foreign accent".

* I expected to feel differently about the Sir Ian/Sir Patrick scenes. What I didn't expect was an overweening sense of relief that Magneto was back to his classy knitwear and tailored suits. Having figured out not only quantum electrodynamics but how to integrate the apparently non-negotiable cape in a classy tailored suit. AND YET. /insert ill-advised joke re: the schmatte trade

* Other surprise: damn, it is really triggery to watch a conservative politician do his thing in a movie now. I am email-arguing with a friend about that Star Trek historical materialism essay so this is uppermost in my mind, but it feels like there was some sort of progression in nuance in the way political undertones were presented in SF films, and then for some reason we all stopped and agreed to wallow in the 60s for a bit.

* EDIT -- forgot this one: WTF are "strong and weak forms of entropy", Charles!?!?1! IDEK guys if you were a scriptwriter and had to give a character ONE SINGLE scientific-sounding throwaway line, why would you go out of your way to make it be like, "oh DNA is made out of proteins".


In other news, having missed Otakuthon but for the cosplayer gawking, I'm trying to convince Erin to attend Comic-Con with me as I now feel morally obliged to go and squint at the tiny flyspeck that will be Stan Lee at the head of a mile-long line of first-issue-clutching fanboys. Also tickets are surprisingly cheap.

Going to Ottawa for the weekend to see Tania and baby Heero (who is possibly not "Heero" on the official papers, but is "Heero" still to Facebook)! Have not finished my project and will die next week. But what is fun without a mild sense of impending doom.

I have figured out how to add the footer on a crosspost! Go me! /rollsalot (Original post is here:

movies, comics and manga, marvel

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