motorbike, your cards arrived - and that is today. XD; Nat, I'm going to figure out a way to pin your flower cookies on my bag. T_T
Avatar: this I have to hand to James Cameron: he made a three-hour movie of which every single second is predictable - not to mention eyeroll-inducing** - but that doesn't feel three hours long. Not easy, folks. I went to IMAX 3D for the eyecandy, even though eyecandy rarely saves a movie for me, and was not disappointed. What it reminded me of was Final Fantasy XII, actually. XD; Monster design, area design, everything. Three hours in the Golmore Jungle with occasional excursions onto the Ozmone Plain and wherever the frick Brujerba floated off from, in IMAX 3D and more granular by two orders of magnitude. Zoe Saldana plays Fran in shades of blue.
Now that Weta has all this fantasy dragon soulbond CG experience, a Temeraire movie ought to be a stroll in the park... right? Ahaha.
** I can't get offended, I find, because the offensive aspects (and the rest) are so last century. Heck, even the wafer-thin digital gloss is entirely 1990s (upload yr consciousness to the collective ether homg!!1!). No doubt the Internet would disabuse me of this notion if I allowed it, but I feel like even ppl who turn their brains off like their cellphones would register the script as "clichéd" if not "problematic". Only when the cringe shifts from the moral realm into the taste realm can we all move on, remember, cos those who don't give a shit what's right do give a shit what's cool.