2009 in review

Jan 01, 2010 18:16

Oh god all these memes are so looooooong~

January: classes! Redesigning the music industry and one marketing survey after another.

February: the great Douban sexy orz-tastic Britpop ojisan photospam event. Racefail. Hot pink leather jacket defines sartorial theme for year.

March: getting defriended due to LoudTwitter spam. Doctor Who s2. Pete Doherty's solo record.

April: Tumblr and Dreamwidth. The Alexandria Quartet (geebus I never blogged about it properly).

May: Switzerland! Graduation! Business plan competition! Shoujotastic closure to not-quite relationship. Angsting over job interviews that never led to career paths after all.

June: MUTEK, Trek, terrible un-seasonal weather.

July: Ottawa. Fantasia, forever and always. Enjoying the summer and all that, being truly poor but spending too much on clothes. Osheaga.

August: emergency room visits. Worldcon. Desultory job applications.

September: informal SF movie/book project lurches into gear. Clothing s.w.a.p.

October: moar government interview process derail job applications. Classic Trek. Social life expands like gas to fill all available space.

November: FARMVILLE. Informal NaNoWriMo participation results in finishing story started in 2005. Chinese community radio. Terrible cold.

December: Yuletide (success!). Frenzy of domesticity (will have to blog about household situation one of these days). Got done everything I wanted done, though, which is nice.

I borrowed the above format from flist ppl who used it to sum up the past decade. May try my hand at that too, eventually.

Conclusion: this year there's been a Master's degree and four not-quite relationships (varying flavours of not-quite - sorry you are not getting more than this, I is secretive!), which qualifies it for momentous but feels like a relaxed sort of busy. In retrospect one can see the lever of fannish focus flip over from Music to Science Fiction, halfway through the year. XD

Resolution: did I try new things and make new friends and change and learn and have fun? Yes, lots, but I'm still in limbo. I need to find a career (not a "job") as well as the steady income attached to it so I can fund all the cool projects I want to start. XD More on this in the decade review but my twenties have been all about self-improvement and trying to become a marginally functional non-embarrassing adult, now it's time to stop tinkering with the donut machine and actually make some donuts.


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